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21st Austria weekly - Pierer Mobility, Marinomed (27/01/2022)


Pierer Mobility: Pierer Mobility AG intends to apply for the admission of its shares to the Official Market (prime market segment) of the Vienna Stock Exchange. The admission to trading on the prime market of the Vienna Stock Exchange will take place on March 1, 2022 and PIERER Mobility AG will then be listed in the top segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange. As Europe's leading manufacturer of "powered two-wheeler" with brands like KTM or Husqvarna and a market capitalisation of over Euro 3 bn, the Pierer Mobility Group thus joins the ranks of the 39 largest and most traded companies on the Vienna Stock Exchange. This step is intended to meet the great investor interest in Austria and abroad. The primary listing of the shares of Pierer Mobility AG remains with the SIX Swiss Exchange.
Pierer Mobility: weekly performance: -0.68%

Marinomed: Marinomed Biotech AG, an Austrian science-based biotech company with globally marketed therapeutics derived from innovative proprietary technology platforms, today announced preliminary revenues for 2021. Revenues increased by 43 % to € 11.6 m, the highest in Marinomed’s history. This increase reflects the ongoing strong demand for Carragelose-based products as well as the upfront payment from the collaboration and licensing agreement with the Chinese company Luoxin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., for Budesolv, a budesonide-based nasal spray.
Marinomed Biotech: weekly performance: -3.03%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (27/01/2022)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Pierer Mobility, Marinomed (27/01/2022)

30.01.2022, 1527 Zeichen

Pierer Mobility: Pierer Mobility AG intends to apply for the admission of its shares to the Official Market (prime market segment) of the Vienna Stock Exchange. The admission to trading on the prime market of the Vienna Stock Exchange will take place on March 1, 2022 and PIERER Mobility AG will then be listed in the top segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange. As Europe's leading manufacturer of "powered two-wheeler" with brands like KTM or Husqvarna and a market capitalisation of over Euro 3 bn, the Pierer Mobility Group thus joins the ranks of the 39 largest and most traded companies on the Vienna Stock Exchange. This step is intended to meet the great investor interest in Austria and abroad. The primary listing of the shares of Pierer Mobility AG remains with the SIX Swiss Exchange.
Pierer Mobility: weekly performance: -0.68%

Marinomed: Marinomed Biotech AG, an Austrian science-based biotech company with globally marketed therapeutics derived from innovative proprietary technology platforms, today announced preliminary revenues for 2021. Revenues increased by 43 % to € 11.6 m, the highest in Marinomed’s history. This increase reflects the ongoing strong demand for Carragelose-based products as well as the upfront payment from the collaboration and licensing agreement with the Chinese company Luoxin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., for Budesolv, a budesonide-based nasal spray.
Marinomed Biotech: weekly performance: -3.03%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (27/01/2022)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:EuroTeleSites AG, Rosenbauer, Porr, Austriacard Holdings AG, AT&S, Lenzing, Uniqa, Pierer Mobility, FACC, DO&CO, Zumtobel, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Warimpex, UBM, RHI Magnesita, SW Umwelttechnik, Flughafen Wien, Oberbank AG Stamm, Addiko Bank, Agrana, Amag, EVN, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, VIG.

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