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21st Austria weekly - Valneva, Strabag (13/09/2021)


Valneva: Austrian/French specialty vaccine company Valneva announced that it has received a termination notice from the UK Government (“HMG”) in relation to the Supply Agreement for its COVID-19 vaccine candidate, VLA2001. The contract provides HMG with the right to terminate. HMG has alleged that the Company is in breach of its obligations under the Supply Agreement, but the Company strenuously denies this. Valneva is continuing its VLA2001 development plan. Testing for the Company’s pivotal Phase 3 trial, Cov-Compare, is ongoing at Public Health England (“PHE”). Valneva recently announced that its Phase 3 results are expected to be available early in the fourth quarter and that these results will form part of its rolling submission for conditional approval of VLA2001 with the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”). Subject to these data and MHRA approval, Valneva believes that initial approval for VLA2001 could be granted in late 2021. Valneva has worked tirelessly, and to its best efforts, on the collaboration with HMG including investing significant resources and effort to respond to HMG’s requests for variant-derived vaccines. Valneva continues to be committed to the development of VLA2001 and will increase its efforts with other potential customers to ensure that its inactivated vaccine can be used in the fight against the pandemic.
Valneva: weekly performance: -43.56%

Strabag: Construction group Strabag has acquired another infrastructure contract in Hungary. The existing section of the Látrány bypass on the 67 expressway will be widened to two lanes in each direction and upgraded to a maximum speed of 110 km/h. As a result, the 67 expressway will have four lanes along its entire section from Kaposvár to its junction with the M7 motorway. The contract has a value of approximately Euro 77 mn. “This project helps to close an important gap along the corridor from Lake Balaton to southern Hungary,” says Strabag CEO Thomas Birtel. “But the 67 expressway is also a very special project for us, as we had the pleasure of building a ‘musical’ section of the same road a few years ago.” Work is scheduled to start in Q3 2021 and should last around 30 months.
Strabag: weekly performance: 5.52%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (13/09/2021)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Valneva, Strabag (13/09/2021)

19.09.2021, 2334 Zeichen

Valneva: Austrian/French specialty vaccine company Valneva announced that it has received a termination notice from the UK Government (“HMG”) in relation to the Supply Agreement for its COVID-19 vaccine candidate, VLA2001. The contract provides HMG with the right to terminate. HMG has alleged that the Company is in breach of its obligations under the Supply Agreement, but the Company strenuously denies this. Valneva is continuing its VLA2001 development plan. Testing for the Company’s pivotal Phase 3 trial, Cov-Compare, is ongoing at Public Health England (“PHE”). Valneva recently announced that its Phase 3 results are expected to be available early in the fourth quarter and that these results will form part of its rolling submission for conditional approval of VLA2001 with the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”). Subject to these data and MHRA approval, Valneva believes that initial approval for VLA2001 could be granted in late 2021. Valneva has worked tirelessly, and to its best efforts, on the collaboration with HMG including investing significant resources and effort to respond to HMG’s requests for variant-derived vaccines. Valneva continues to be committed to the development of VLA2001 and will increase its efforts with other potential customers to ensure that its inactivated vaccine can be used in the fight against the pandemic.
Valneva: weekly performance: -43.56%

Strabag: Construction group Strabag has acquired another infrastructure contract in Hungary. The existing section of the Látrány bypass on the 67 expressway will be widened to two lanes in each direction and upgraded to a maximum speed of 110 km/h. As a result, the 67 expressway will have four lanes along its entire section from Kaposvár to its junction with the M7 motorway. The contract has a value of approximately Euro 77 mn. “This project helps to close an important gap along the corridor from Lake Balaton to southern Hungary,” says Strabag CEO Thomas Birtel. “But the 67 expressway is also a very special project for us, as we had the pleasure of building a ‘musical’ section of the same road a few years ago.” Work is scheduled to start in Q3 2021 and should last around 30 months.
Strabag: weekly performance: 5.52%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (13/09/2021)

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