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21st Austria weekly - Mayr-Melnhof, AT&S, Rosenbauer, Andritz (18/05/2021)


Mayr-Melnhof: The Mayr-Melnhof Group recorded overall high capacity utilization with robust demand for cartonboard packaging in the 1st quarter of 2021. Sales and operating profit were slightly below the previous year's level. An increase in result in the packaging division was offset by a significant decline in the cartonboard division. Consolidated sales of the Group amounted to Euro 641.3 mn in the first three months of 2021, almost reaching the previous year's level (1Q 2020: Euro 646.6 mn). At Euro 61.2 mn, the operating profit was 5.2 % below the comparative value of the previous year. Profit for the period decreased slightly from Euro 45.1 mn to Euro 43.9 mn. With well-filled order books, the company sees growing demand for cartonboard and packaging also in 2021. In view of the continuing increase in input prices for fibers, energy, chemicals and logistics, the focus is currently on passing them on. The objective is to return in the second half of the year 2021 to the earnings level of the 1st quarter in the Group's current business after an expected decline in result in the 2nd quarter. In addition to the necessary price increases, the company's intensified investments in the future and growth projects in several mills of MM Karton and MM Packaging got off to a good start. As reported, the main emphasis is on improving cost structures and increasing market penetration with sustainable, innovative fiber-based packaging solutions. However, this is also accompanied by selective adjustment and restructuring measures in the portfolio, as currently planned at MM Graphia Bielefeld in the 2nd quarter. By relocating the production volume to other MM Packaging sites in Germany, but also in Russia, Ukraine and Asia, competitiveness is to be increased. This measure is expected to result in one-off expenses of Euro 25 - 30 mn in the 2nd quarter.
Mayr-Melnhof: weekly performance: -6.46%

AT&S: AT&S, manufacturer of high-end printed circuit boards and IC substrates, closed a challenging year - marked by the corona pandemic - with an impressive performance and achieved a double-digit increase in revenue and earnings. Consolidated revenue was at a record level of Euro 1,188.2 mn (PY: EUR 1,000.6 mn), up 19% year-on-year. EBIT improved from Euro 47.4 mn to Euro 79.8 mn. The EBIT margin was at 6.7% (previous year: 4.7%). "We are growing faster than the market while being highly profitable. In the past, we created the basis that enables us to respond quickly and consistently work on advancing our growth strategy at the same time. We are fully on track to achieve our goals," says CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer. The additional capacity from the Chongqing I plant, which serves the growing demand for ABF substrates, made a significant contribution to revenue growth. In the Mobile Devices & Substrates segment, the broader customer and application portfolio for mobile devices and demand for printed circuit boards for modules also had a positive effect. In the AIM segment, revenue in the Medical segment was at the prior-year level while revenue in the Industrial segment increased slightly. After a weak first half of the financial year, the Automotive segment recorded revenue in the second half at the level of the previous year.
AT&S: weekly performance: -8.80%

Rosenbauer: The Rosenbauer Group, producer of vehicles, fire extinguishing systems, fire and safety equipment  for preventive fire protection, generated revenues of Euro 206.2 mn in the first three months of 2021. By this, the business volume reached again a high level, but remained below the record of the corresponding period of the previous year (1-3/2020: Euro 232.9 mn). Reasons for this development in consolidated revenues included delayed acceptances of vehicles and a strained supply situation for some parts in production in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, EBIT amounted to Euro 0.4 mn (1-3/2020: Euro 4.3 mn). At the same time, incoming orders were at Euro 277.6 mn and exceeded the revenues of the first quarter. The Executive Board is confident, that delays can be caught up in the course of the year and existing bottlenecks will be resolved, and  it expects the company to achieve stable revenues and an EBIT margin of around 5% in 2021. According to the company, there were very strong levels of tendering activity in the first quarter of the year, with larger orders again coming up for tender.
Rosenbauer: weekly performance: -5.00%

Andritz: International technology Group Andritz has received an order from Zhejiang Kingsafe Hygiene Materials Technology Co., Ltd. in Hezhou, China, to supply a complete new neXline spunlace line. The line is scheduled for installation and start-up during the second quarter of 2022. Further, Andritz Ingeniería, SA, part of international technology Group Andritz, has received an order from Smurfit Kappa Nervion to provide industrial maintenance services for their mill in Iurreta, Spain.
Andritz: weekly performance: -0.26%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (18/05/2021)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Mayr-Melnhof, AT&S, Rosenbauer, Andritz (18/05/2021)

23.05.2021, 5066 Zeichen

Mayr-Melnhof: The Mayr-Melnhof Group recorded overall high capacity utilization with robust demand for cartonboard packaging in the 1st quarter of 2021. Sales and operating profit were slightly below the previous year's level. An increase in result in the packaging division was offset by a significant decline in the cartonboard division. Consolidated sales of the Group amounted to Euro 641.3 mn in the first three months of 2021, almost reaching the previous year's level (1Q 2020: Euro 646.6 mn). At Euro 61.2 mn, the operating profit was 5.2 % below the comparative value of the previous year. Profit for the period decreased slightly from Euro 45.1 mn to Euro 43.9 mn. With well-filled order books, the company sees growing demand for cartonboard and packaging also in 2021. In view of the continuing increase in input prices for fibers, energy, chemicals and logistics, the focus is currently on passing them on. The objective is to return in the second half of the year 2021 to the earnings level of the 1st quarter in the Group's current business after an expected decline in result in the 2nd quarter. In addition to the necessary price increases, the company's intensified investments in the future and growth projects in several mills of MM Karton and MM Packaging got off to a good start. As reported, the main emphasis is on improving cost structures and increasing market penetration with sustainable, innovative fiber-based packaging solutions. However, this is also accompanied by selective adjustment and restructuring measures in the portfolio, as currently planned at MM Graphia Bielefeld in the 2nd quarter. By relocating the production volume to other MM Packaging sites in Germany, but also in Russia, Ukraine and Asia, competitiveness is to be increased. This measure is expected to result in one-off expenses of Euro 25 - 30 mn in the 2nd quarter.
Mayr-Melnhof: weekly performance: -6.46%

AT&S: AT&S, manufacturer of high-end printed circuit boards and IC substrates, closed a challenging year - marked by the corona pandemic - with an impressive performance and achieved a double-digit increase in revenue and earnings. Consolidated revenue was at a record level of Euro 1,188.2 mn (PY: EUR 1,000.6 mn), up 19% year-on-year. EBIT improved from Euro 47.4 mn to Euro 79.8 mn. The EBIT margin was at 6.7% (previous year: 4.7%). "We are growing faster than the market while being highly profitable. In the past, we created the basis that enables us to respond quickly and consistently work on advancing our growth strategy at the same time. We are fully on track to achieve our goals," says CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer. The additional capacity from the Chongqing I plant, which serves the growing demand for ABF substrates, made a significant contribution to revenue growth. In the Mobile Devices & Substrates segment, the broader customer and application portfolio for mobile devices and demand for printed circuit boards for modules also had a positive effect. In the AIM segment, revenue in the Medical segment was at the prior-year level while revenue in the Industrial segment increased slightly. After a weak first half of the financial year, the Automotive segment recorded revenue in the second half at the level of the previous year.
AT&S: weekly performance: -8.80%

Rosenbauer: The Rosenbauer Group, producer of vehicles, fire extinguishing systems, fire and safety equipment  for preventive fire protection, generated revenues of Euro 206.2 mn in the first three months of 2021. By this, the business volume reached again a high level, but remained below the record of the corresponding period of the previous year (1-3/2020: Euro 232.9 mn). Reasons for this development in consolidated revenues included delayed acceptances of vehicles and a strained supply situation for some parts in production in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, EBIT amounted to Euro 0.4 mn (1-3/2020: Euro 4.3 mn). At the same time, incoming orders were at Euro 277.6 mn and exceeded the revenues of the first quarter. The Executive Board is confident, that delays can be caught up in the course of the year and existing bottlenecks will be resolved, and  it expects the company to achieve stable revenues and an EBIT margin of around 5% in 2021. According to the company, there were very strong levels of tendering activity in the first quarter of the year, with larger orders again coming up for tender.
Rosenbauer: weekly performance: -5.00%

Andritz: International technology Group Andritz has received an order from Zhejiang Kingsafe Hygiene Materials Technology Co., Ltd. in Hezhou, China, to supply a complete new neXline spunlace line. The line is scheduled for installation and start-up during the second quarter of 2022. Further, Andritz Ingeniería, SA, part of international technology Group Andritz, has received an order from Smurfit Kappa Nervion to provide industrial maintenance services for their mill in Iurreta, Spain.
Andritz: weekly performance: -0.26%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (18/05/2021)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Strabag, Frequentis, Porr, EuroTeleSites AG, Pierer Mobility, Agrana, OMV, Semperit, CA Immo, Immofinanz, Verbund, Andritz, AT&S, Bawag, BTV AG, Erste Group, Gurktaler AG VZ, Lenzing, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, voestalpine, Wienerberger, Wolford, Zumtobel, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Austriacard Holdings AG, Amag, EVN, Flughafen Wien, Telekom Austria.

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