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21st Austria weekly - Vienna Airport, Rosenbauer, Porr (17/11/2020)


Vienna Airport: Revenue of the Flughafen Wien Group (Vienna Airport Group) in Q1-3/2020 fell by 56.9% to Euro 277.0 mn. EBITDA declined by 80.1% to Euro 62.3 mn, and EBIT was down by 120.3% to minus Euro 43.6 mn. "The encouraging news about the availability of effective vaccines in the near future comprises an important glimmer of hope for reinvigorating the aviation sector. The news gives ground for optimism that 2021 will once again be characterised by an upward trend. Up until then, the aviation industry, which is also indispensable in times of crisis, requires a practical testing strategy as well as European-wide and globally uniform travel regulations. In this case, the rapid antibody tests which can be carried out at the airport before departure serve as the basis for healthy and safe flying. For this reason, they should be part of the announced testing strategy of the federal government, complementing the PCR tests offered at the airport since May", explains Günther Ofner, Member of the Management Board. The Flughafen Wien Group currently has secured liquidity enabling it to cope with all foreseeable crisis scenarios and ensure sufficient financing. Taking account of the already successfully implemented as well as planned cost savings and reduction measures but in light of the recent significant decline in passenger traffic, the Management Board expects to conclude the 2020 financial year with an EBITDA ranging from Euro 55-60 mn. After depreciation, amortisation and the financial results, a net loss between Euro 75 mn and Euro 85 mn is anticipated for the entire 2020 financial year according to the company's current assessment.
Flughafen Wien: weekly performance: 3.06%

Rosenbauer: Rosenbauer International AG announced that it has brokered its first syndicated loan. The debut transaction is for Euro 170 million, with the option of increasing the amount. The term is three years, with the option of twice extending the agreement by a further year each time. In taking this step, the Rosenbauer Group is optimizing the maturity profile of its existing bank facilities and securing the refinancing of its existing liabilities. The Rosenbauer Group generated revenues of Euro 713.9 from January to September of 2020 (1-9/2019: Euro 614.5 mn). At Euro 25.4 mn, EBIT in the first nine months of 2020 was up on the corresponding period of the previous year (1-9/2019: Euro 15.1 mn) despite the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Consolidated EBT for the reporting period therefore amounted to Euro 21.6 mn (1-9/2019: Euro 9.9 mn). As shown from past experience, the firefighting industry follows the general economy at a delay of several months and, thanks to full order books, should be able to assert itself in the current declining economic environment. For 2021, Rosenbauer management assumes the global sector to move sideways and stable Group revenues.
Rosenbauer: weekly performance: 12.02%

Porr: Austria's second largest construction group, Porr, is expected to achieve a production output of more than Euro 5 bn this year. The Covid pandemic also has a massive impact on Porr's business activities and, in addition to a revaluation of projects, will probably result in a negative EBT (earnings before taxes) in the range of Euro 45 - 55 mn for the Group. CEO Karl-Heinz Strauss: "The decline in production output due to direct and indirect consequences of COVID-19, such as defaults and disruptions due to travel restrictions, local lockdowns, subcontractor failures, additional costs that cannot be passed on, increased hygiene and safety measures and project postponements, on the one hand lead to a significant decline in the planned annual result. On the other hand, we have comprehensively reassessed all projects, including receivables. In particular, corrections have been made in structural engineering Germany, tunneling and individual projects in almost all countries". For 2021, the management board expects a production output of approximately Euro 5.3 - 5.5 bn and a positive EBT margin of +1.3 - +1.5%.
Porr: weekly performance: -3.41%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (17/11/2020)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Vienna Airport, Rosenbauer, Porr (17/11/2020)

22.11.2020, 4178 Zeichen

Vienna Airport: Revenue of the Flughafen Wien Group (Vienna Airport Group) in Q1-3/2020 fell by 56.9% to Euro 277.0 mn. EBITDA declined by 80.1% to Euro 62.3 mn, and EBIT was down by 120.3% to minus Euro 43.6 mn. "The encouraging news about the availability of effective vaccines in the near future comprises an important glimmer of hope for reinvigorating the aviation sector. The news gives ground for optimism that 2021 will once again be characterised by an upward trend. Up until then, the aviation industry, which is also indispensable in times of crisis, requires a practical testing strategy as well as European-wide and globally uniform travel regulations. In this case, the rapid antibody tests which can be carried out at the airport before departure serve as the basis for healthy and safe flying. For this reason, they should be part of the announced testing strategy of the federal government, complementing the PCR tests offered at the airport since May", explains Günther Ofner, Member of the Management Board. The Flughafen Wien Group currently has secured liquidity enabling it to cope with all foreseeable crisis scenarios and ensure sufficient financing. Taking account of the already successfully implemented as well as planned cost savings and reduction measures but in light of the recent significant decline in passenger traffic, the Management Board expects to conclude the 2020 financial year with an EBITDA ranging from Euro 55-60 mn. After depreciation, amortisation and the financial results, a net loss between Euro 75 mn and Euro 85 mn is anticipated for the entire 2020 financial year according to the company's current assessment.
Flughafen Wien: weekly performance: 3.06%

Rosenbauer: Rosenbauer International AG announced that it has brokered its first syndicated loan. The debut transaction is for Euro 170 million, with the option of increasing the amount. The term is three years, with the option of twice extending the agreement by a further year each time. In taking this step, the Rosenbauer Group is optimizing the maturity profile of its existing bank facilities and securing the refinancing of its existing liabilities. The Rosenbauer Group generated revenues of Euro 713.9 from January to September of 2020 (1-9/2019: Euro 614.5 mn). At Euro 25.4 mn, EBIT in the first nine months of 2020 was up on the corresponding period of the previous year (1-9/2019: Euro 15.1 mn) despite the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Consolidated EBT for the reporting period therefore amounted to Euro 21.6 mn (1-9/2019: Euro 9.9 mn). As shown from past experience, the firefighting industry follows the general economy at a delay of several months and, thanks to full order books, should be able to assert itself in the current declining economic environment. For 2021, Rosenbauer management assumes the global sector to move sideways and stable Group revenues.
Rosenbauer: weekly performance: 12.02%

Porr: Austria's second largest construction group, Porr, is expected to achieve a production output of more than Euro 5 bn this year. The Covid pandemic also has a massive impact on Porr's business activities and, in addition to a revaluation of projects, will probably result in a negative EBT (earnings before taxes) in the range of Euro 45 - 55 mn for the Group. CEO Karl-Heinz Strauss: "The decline in production output due to direct and indirect consequences of COVID-19, such as defaults and disruptions due to travel restrictions, local lockdowns, subcontractor failures, additional costs that cannot be passed on, increased hygiene and safety measures and project postponements, on the one hand lead to a significant decline in the planned annual result. On the other hand, we have comprehensively reassessed all projects, including receivables. In particular, corrections have been made in structural engineering Germany, tunneling and individual projects in almost all countries". For 2021, the management board expects a production output of approximately Euro 5.3 - 5.5 bn and a positive EBT margin of +1.3 - +1.5%.
Porr: weekly performance: -3.41%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (17/11/2020)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Strabag, Frequentis, Porr, EuroTeleSites AG, Pierer Mobility, Agrana, OMV, Semperit, CA Immo, Immofinanz, Verbund, Andritz, AT&S, Bawag, BTV AG, Erste Group, Gurktaler AG VZ, Lenzing, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, voestalpine, Wienerberger, Wolford, Zumtobel, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Austriacard Holdings AG, Amag, EVN, Flughafen Wien, Telekom Austria.

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