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21st Austria weekly - Andritz, Strabag (21/10/2020)


Andritz: International technology group Andritz has been selected by Hydro-Québec as the exclusive partner to re-equip potentially up to all fourteen 54-MW turbine generator units at the Carillon generating station located on the Ottawa River, Canada. Hydro-Québec has awarded the supply and installation of the first set of six turbine-generator units to ANDRITZ on September 30, 2020.

Strabag: A joint venture of Strabag subsidiary Züblin and BAM Deutschland AG is building the new Willich I prison. The contract was awarded by the client Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW and has a value in the low triple-digit-million Euro range. Planned according to modern prison standards, the new buildings replace the outdated, partly dilapidated, existing buildings from the years 1900 to 1905, most of which were already demolished in advance. With a significant increase in capacity from 400 to 768 prison places for male prisoners, the construction project also takes into account the increased space requirements at the prison location in Willich-Anrath. The extensive project with a gross floor area of 63,661 m² includes the construction of two detention houses, a multi-purpose building, a workshop building with a gym, a sports field, connecting corridors and a parking lot. The project will be constructed over a period of five years and is divided into two separate construction phases. In November 2020 the joint venture will commence construction with completion scheduled for the end of 2025.

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (21/10/2020)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Andritz, Strabag (21/10/2020)

25.10.2020, 1587 Zeichen

Andritz: International technology group Andritz has been selected by Hydro-Québec as the exclusive partner to re-equip potentially up to all fourteen 54-MW turbine generator units at the Carillon generating station located on the Ottawa River, Canada. Hydro-Québec has awarded the supply and installation of the first set of six turbine-generator units to ANDRITZ on September 30, 2020.

Strabag: A joint venture of Strabag subsidiary Züblin and BAM Deutschland AG is building the new Willich I prison. The contract was awarded by the client Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW and has a value in the low triple-digit-million Euro range. Planned according to modern prison standards, the new buildings replace the outdated, partly dilapidated, existing buildings from the years 1900 to 1905, most of which were already demolished in advance. With a significant increase in capacity from 400 to 768 prison places for male prisoners, the construction project also takes into account the increased space requirements at the prison location in Willich-Anrath. The extensive project with a gross floor area of 63,661 m² includes the construction of two detention houses, a multi-purpose building, a workshop building with a gym, a sports field, connecting corridors and a parking lot. The project will be constructed over a period of five years and is divided into two separate construction phases. In November 2020 the joint venture will commence construction with completion scheduled for the end of 2025.

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (21/10/2020)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #817: ATX etwas stärker, CPI Immo AG welcome to ATX, neues Semperit-Buy, AT&S Lyon und Erste Group 6/6



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