16.08.2020, 3062 Zeichen
Semperit: Despite the disruptive external market shock of the corona pandemic and the subsequent acceleration of the global economic recession, the publicly listed Semperit Group, an internationally-oriented group that develops, produces, and sells in more than 100 countries highly specialised rubber products for the medical and industrial sector, increased profitability in the first half of the year at both EBITDA and EBIT level, thus improving the Group's liquidity at the same time: "We are looking back on a very positive earnings development in the first half of the year," says Martin Füllenbach, Chairman of the Executive Board of Semperit AG Holding. "Our comprehensive restructuring and transformation programme is now also bearing fruit in the Medical Sector: the operating performance was significantly improved. In addition, the exceptional boom in medical protective gloves triggered by the corona pandemic and accompanied by price increases has been a major factor. But the Industrial Sector, which is sensitive to economic conditions, has also shown remarkable resilience to date." The Semperit Group recorded a decrease in revenues of -4.2% to Euro 418.9 mn in the first half of 2020 compared to the same period of the previous year. The corona pandemic had opposite effects on the Medical and Industrial Sectors. Revenues in the Industrial Sector fell by -13.9%, while the Medical Sector recorded an increase of +14.8%. EBITDA rose from Euro 39.1 mn in the first half of 2019 to Euro 57.6 mn in the first half of 2020 due to good results in the Medical Sector. EBIT jumped to Euro 112.2 mn in the first half of 2020 compared to Euro 20.9 mn in the first half of 2019. Based on the current figures, EBITDA of the Semperit Group is currently expected to be significantly higher than in the previous year (2019: Euro 67.8 mn) for the full year. For 2020 EBIT of the Semperit Group is expected at Euro 110 to 160 mn (2019: Euro -16.5 mn).
Semperit: weekly performance:
Rosenbauer: The Rosenbauer Group, leading manufacturer of systems for firefighting and disaster protection, continued to experience strong growth in the first half of 2020, despite the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Group revenues rose by 16% by period comparison from Euro 394.6 mn to Euro 458.0 mn, representing a new historic high for the period under review. The increase in revenues can be attributed to all sales areas, especially the NISA area, the MENA area and the NOMA area. In contrast, new orders were down on the previous year at Euro 455.3 mn (1–6/2019: Euro 571.1 mn). Despite the coronavirus crisis, EBIT was improved to Euro 5.4 mn (1–6/2019: Euro 5.2 mn). The burden from the coronavirus crisis amounts to Euro 9 mn. Against the background of an unchanged solid order backlog, the Rosenbauer Executive Board expects a slight increase in revenues for the year as a whole. The EBIT margin will be between 4% and 5%.
Rosenbauer: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (14/08/2020)
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