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Corona: What voestalpine tells us so far (RCB)


The company observed a gradual improvement of the situation in China as regards production at its plants. However, at the same time there are still constraints as regards local logistics. The local railway systems plants are impacted by the standstill of infrastructure projects. However, this might be compensated over the remainder of the year. Exports of Chinese steel makers to Europe have come down markedly which bodes well for sport prices (have been very resilient recently, the same holds true for iron ore due to low mining activity). However, it is premature to the properly quantify the fallout on the European end-markets automotive and oil & gas. As regards Italy, we point out that the sales exposure (ca. EUR 700 mn) is higher than revenues generated in China (ca. EUR 550 mn).

( Markus Remis, RCB) 

More "What Corporates tell us so far": https://boerse-social.com/search/@title%20tells%20us 


latest 21st Austria

Corona: What voestalpine tells us so far (RCB)

13.03.2020, 903 Zeichen

The company observed a gradual improvement of the situation in China as regards production at its plants. However, at the same time there are still constraints as regards local logistics. The local railway systems plants are impacted by the standstill of infrastructure projects. However, this might be compensated over the remainder of the year. Exports of Chinese steel makers to Europe have come down markedly which bodes well for sport prices (have been very resilient recently, the same holds true for iron ore due to low mining activity). However, it is premature to the properly quantify the fallout on the European end-markets automotive and oil & gas. As regards Italy, we point out that the sales exposure (ca. EUR 700 mn) is higher than revenues generated in China (ca. EUR 550 mn).

( Markus Remis, RCB) 

More "What Corporates tell us so far": https://boerse-social.com/search/@title%20tells%20us 

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #788: Pierer Mobility am Geburtstag des Namensgebers mächtig im Plus, Yvonne de Bark lernt mir was



Aktien auf dem Radar:voestalpine, Pierer Mobility, Warimpex, Addiko Bank, CA Immo, Immofinanz, Verbund, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Bawag, Andritz, Österreichische Post, AT&S, Cleen Energy, Frauenthal, Kostad, Oberbank AG Stamm, Kapsch TrafficCom, DO&CO, Agrana, Amag, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Palfinger, RHI Magnesita, Semperit, S Immo, Telekom Austria.

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