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21st Austria weekly - OMV, voestalpine, RBI, Lenzing, Marinomed (06/02/2020)


OMV: Austrian based oil and gas company OMV reported earnings for 2019. Consolidated sales increased by 2% to Euro 23,461 mn. Higher Upstream sales volumes, following OMV’s acquisitions in New Zealand, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates, were partially offset by unfavorable market environment developments. The clean CCS Operating Result slightly decreased from Euro 3,646 mn in 2018 to Euro 3,536 mn. The Upstream result amounted to Euro 1,951 mn (2018: EUR 2,027 mn). There were adverse effects coming from higher depreciation of Euro (382) mn, mainly related to OMV’s acquisitions in New Zealand (Q4/18), the United Arab Emirates (Q2/18), and Malaysia (Q1/19), and higher production from Norway, the comoany stated in its report. Net market effects had a negative impact of Euro (80) mn, as a result of lower average realized oil and gas prices. This was partially offset by lower hedging losses and positive FX effects. Gains resulting from improved operational perfor- mance amounted to EUR 386 mn and were mainly a consequence of OMV’s acquisitions in New Zealand, the United Arab Emir- ates, and Malaysia, and higher Norwegian output. Results were negatively impacted by natural production decline in Romania and the sale of OMV’s Upstream assets in Pakistan in Q2/18. In Downstream, the clean CCS Operating Result slightly rose from Euro 1,643 mn to Euro 1,677 mn in 2019 mainly following a higher result in Downstream Oil, partially offset by a lower Downstream Gas result. The Downstream Oil clean CCS Operating Result increased in 2019 by Euro 56 mn to Euro 1,495 mn. The increase was mainly driven by a strong contribution from the commercial and retail businesses, partially offset by lower indicator refining and pet- rochemical margins. The Downstream Gas clean CCS Operating Result declined from Euro 204 mn to Euro 182 mn in 2019, mainly caused by a weaker power result.  Clean CCS net income was nearly flat at Euro 2,121 mn (2018: Euro 2,108 mn). Clean CCS net income attributable to stockholders amounted to Euro 1,624 mn (2018: Euro 1,594 mn).
OMV: weekly performance: -1.33%

voestalpine: voestalpine has been confronted with a gradual dampening of economic sentiment throughout the business year 2019/20. Due to lower delivery volumes, the revenue of the voestalpine Group as of the third quarter of the business year 2019/20 declined slightly by 3.8%, from Euro 9.9 bn the previous year to Euro 9.6 billion. About Euro 75 mn in provisions adversely affect EBITDA for the third quarter; the impact on EBIT amounts to about Euro 345 mn (impairment losses and provisions). As a result, EBITDA fell year over year by a total of –24.2%, from Euro1.1 bn to Euro 837 mn. Given the difficult economic environment and the aforementioned non-recurring effects, EBIT stands at Euro –82 mn, down from Euro 526 mn the previous year. While a “hard Brexit” with its negative effects did not come to pass, the economic and financial fallout from the coronavirus epidemic in China, where voestalpine operates nine local manufacturing companies, is not foreseeable at this time, the company stated. From today’s vantage point the Management Board of voestalpine AG expects EBITDA of Euro 1.2 bn for the business year 2019/20 and an EBIT to be just positive.
voestalpine: weekly performance: 4.79%

Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI): CEE banking group RBI reported preliminary results for 2019. Profit before tax went up 1% y-o-y to Euro 1,767 mn, consolidated profit declines 3.4% to Euro 1,227 mn. Loans to customers rose 13% in 2019 mainly at head office, in Russia and Central Europe. Net interest margin stabilized at 2.44%, NPE ratio further improved to 2.1%, CET1 ratio increased to 13.9%. The management aims to propose a dividend of Euro 1.00 per share (vs 0.93 Euro for 2018).
RBI: weekly performance: 7.67%

Lenzing: Fibers producer Lenzing Group completed the second pilot production plant announced in May 2018 for its innovative filament yarn Tencel(TM) Luxe. Construction of the facility at the Lenzing site involving investments of Euro 30 mn could be concluded on schedule and within budget after 20 months of intensive work. The new pilot production line, which was put into operation in the middle of December 2019, gives Lenzing sufficient capacity for commercial programs and further application development.
Lenzing: weekly performance: -6.79%

Marinomed: Marinomed Biotech AG, a globally active biopharmaceutical company with headquarters in Vienna, and the renowned University of Utah have published scientific investigations that provide initial evidence for further significant benefits of the innovative Marinosolv® platform in the field of corneal eye diseases. The study is now available to read in the international journal IOVS (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science). “The new data once again show the effectiveness and manifold scope of application of our clinically validated Marinosolv® platform. This confirms again that Marinosolv® allows to apply a known drug in a new indication with remarkable potential advantages for patients”, says Andreas Grassauer, CEO of Marinomed.
Marinomed Biotech: weekly performance: -3.43%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (06/02/2020)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - OMV, voestalpine, RBI, Lenzing, Marinomed (06/02/2020)

09.02.2020, 5244 Zeichen

OMV: Austrian based oil and gas company OMV reported earnings for 2019. Consolidated sales increased by 2% to Euro 23,461 mn. Higher Upstream sales volumes, following OMV’s acquisitions in New Zealand, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates, were partially offset by unfavorable market environment developments. The clean CCS Operating Result slightly decreased from Euro 3,646 mn in 2018 to Euro 3,536 mn. The Upstream result amounted to Euro 1,951 mn (2018: EUR 2,027 mn). There were adverse effects coming from higher depreciation of Euro (382) mn, mainly related to OMV’s acquisitions in New Zealand (Q4/18), the United Arab Emirates (Q2/18), and Malaysia (Q1/19), and higher production from Norway, the comoany stated in its report. Net market effects had a negative impact of Euro (80) mn, as a result of lower average realized oil and gas prices. This was partially offset by lower hedging losses and positive FX effects. Gains resulting from improved operational perfor- mance amounted to EUR 386 mn and were mainly a consequence of OMV’s acquisitions in New Zealand, the United Arab Emir- ates, and Malaysia, and higher Norwegian output. Results were negatively impacted by natural production decline in Romania and the sale of OMV’s Upstream assets in Pakistan in Q2/18. In Downstream, the clean CCS Operating Result slightly rose from Euro 1,643 mn to Euro 1,677 mn in 2019 mainly following a higher result in Downstream Oil, partially offset by a lower Downstream Gas result. The Downstream Oil clean CCS Operating Result increased in 2019 by Euro 56 mn to Euro 1,495 mn. The increase was mainly driven by a strong contribution from the commercial and retail businesses, partially offset by lower indicator refining and pet- rochemical margins. The Downstream Gas clean CCS Operating Result declined from Euro 204 mn to Euro 182 mn in 2019, mainly caused by a weaker power result.  Clean CCS net income was nearly flat at Euro 2,121 mn (2018: Euro 2,108 mn). Clean CCS net income attributable to stockholders amounted to Euro 1,624 mn (2018: Euro 1,594 mn).
OMV: weekly performance: -1.33%

voestalpine: voestalpine has been confronted with a gradual dampening of economic sentiment throughout the business year 2019/20. Due to lower delivery volumes, the revenue of the voestalpine Group as of the third quarter of the business year 2019/20 declined slightly by 3.8%, from Euro 9.9 bn the previous year to Euro 9.6 billion. About Euro 75 mn in provisions adversely affect EBITDA for the third quarter; the impact on EBIT amounts to about Euro 345 mn (impairment losses and provisions). As a result, EBITDA fell year over year by a total of –24.2%, from Euro1.1 bn to Euro 837 mn. Given the difficult economic environment and the aforementioned non-recurring effects, EBIT stands at Euro –82 mn, down from Euro 526 mn the previous year. While a “hard Brexit” with its negative effects did not come to pass, the economic and financial fallout from the coronavirus epidemic in China, where voestalpine operates nine local manufacturing companies, is not foreseeable at this time, the company stated. From today’s vantage point the Management Board of voestalpine AG expects EBITDA of Euro 1.2 bn for the business year 2019/20 and an EBIT to be just positive.
voestalpine: weekly performance: 4.79%

Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI): CEE banking group RBI reported preliminary results for 2019. Profit before tax went up 1% y-o-y to Euro 1,767 mn, consolidated profit declines 3.4% to Euro 1,227 mn. Loans to customers rose 13% in 2019 mainly at head office, in Russia and Central Europe. Net interest margin stabilized at 2.44%, NPE ratio further improved to 2.1%, CET1 ratio increased to 13.9%. The management aims to propose a dividend of Euro 1.00 per share (vs 0.93 Euro for 2018).
RBI: weekly performance: 7.67%

Lenzing: Fibers producer Lenzing Group completed the second pilot production plant announced in May 2018 for its innovative filament yarn Tencel(TM) Luxe. Construction of the facility at the Lenzing site involving investments of Euro 30 mn could be concluded on schedule and within budget after 20 months of intensive work. The new pilot production line, which was put into operation in the middle of December 2019, gives Lenzing sufficient capacity for commercial programs and further application development.
Lenzing: weekly performance: -6.79%

Marinomed: Marinomed Biotech AG, a globally active biopharmaceutical company with headquarters in Vienna, and the renowned University of Utah have published scientific investigations that provide initial evidence for further significant benefits of the innovative Marinosolv® platform in the field of corneal eye diseases. The study is now available to read in the international journal IOVS (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science). “The new data once again show the effectiveness and manifold scope of application of our clinically validated Marinosolv® platform. This confirms again that Marinosolv® allows to apply a known drug in a new indication with remarkable potential advantages for patients”, says Andreas Grassauer, CEO of Marinomed.
Marinomed Biotech: weekly performance: -3.43%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (06/02/2020)

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