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21st Austria weekly - EVN, Austrian Inflation (21/10/2019)


EVN: The management board of Austrian utility and water company EVN AG increases its outlook for the Group net result of the financial year 2018/19 ended 30 September 2019 to an area of approximately Euro 300 mn. The increase of the outlook reflects in particular non-cash effects from impairment tests that were determined in the course of preparing the annual report and total approximately EUR 125 million after taxes. These revaluations result from the decreased market interest rate level and increased electricityprice expectations and relate in particular to renewable energyproduction facilities whose value has in the past decreased and to customer bases in Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia, the company stated. The determined effects on results are a subject of the annual report for the financial year 2018/19, which has yet to be finalized and confirmed by the auditors and will be published on 12 December 2019.
EVN: weekly performance: 2.37%

Inflation: In September 2019, the inflation rate was +1.2%, as Statistics Austria reports (August 2019: +1.5%). Expenditures for housing, water and energy (+2.8% compared to September 2018) remained the most important price driver, followed by expenditures for restaurants and hotels (+3.1%). Decreasing prices for telecommunication and transport had a dampening effect on the inflation rate. The index level of the consumer price index 2015 (CPI 2015) was 107.0 in September. Compared to the previous month, the average price level increased by 0.5%. The index level of the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP 2015) was 107.42 in September 2019 (August revised 106.34), with the harmonised inflation rate amounting to +1.2%.

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (21/10/2019)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - EVN, Austrian Inflation (21/10/2019)

27.10.2019, 1766 Zeichen

EVN: The management board of Austrian utility and water company EVN AG increases its outlook for the Group net result of the financial year 2018/19 ended 30 September 2019 to an area of approximately Euro 300 mn. The increase of the outlook reflects in particular non-cash effects from impairment tests that were determined in the course of preparing the annual report and total approximately EUR 125 million after taxes. These revaluations result from the decreased market interest rate level and increased electricityprice expectations and relate in particular to renewable energyproduction facilities whose value has in the past decreased and to customer bases in Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia, the company stated. The determined effects on results are a subject of the annual report for the financial year 2018/19, which has yet to be finalized and confirmed by the auditors and will be published on 12 December 2019.
EVN: weekly performance: 2.37%

Inflation: In September 2019, the inflation rate was +1.2%, as Statistics Austria reports (August 2019: +1.5%). Expenditures for housing, water and energy (+2.8% compared to September 2018) remained the most important price driver, followed by expenditures for restaurants and hotels (+3.1%). Decreasing prices for telecommunication and transport had a dampening effect on the inflation rate. The index level of the consumer price index 2015 (CPI 2015) was 107.0 in September. Compared to the previous month, the average price level increased by 0.5%. The index level of the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP 2015) was 107.42 in September 2019 (August revised 106.34), with the harmonised inflation rate amounting to +1.2%.

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (21/10/2019)

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