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21st Austria weekly - Raiffeisen Bank International, Andritz, S Immo (17/09/2019)


Raiffeisen Bank International: Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) has  placed its second benchmark green bond issuance today and confirms its commitment to the green bond market. The new issue, targeting institutional investors, raised Euro 750 mn for 7 years and carries a 0.375 per cent coupon, equivalent to 75 basis points over mid swaps. With demand in excess of Euro 1.8 billion, the orderbook was significantly oversubscribed. The proceeds from the bond will be used to finance environmentally friendly housing and commercial real estate, as well as green transport infrastructure and transportation projects in Central and Eastern Europe. “We want to make our contribution towards more sustainability. Green bonds are an important pillar of our sustainability strategy and provide an interesting investment opportunity for investors“ said Martin Grüll, CFO of RBI, about the issuance. “The high level of demand shows that green bonds are no longer a niche topic and are met with wide interest from investors“ explains Grüll.
RBI: weekly performance: -1.23%

S Immo: The Management Board of real estate company S Immo AG has decided today to invite holders of the 4.5% S Immo bond 2014-2021 (ISIN: AT0000A177D2) to offer S Immo the exchange or the repurchase of their bonds. In the event of acceptance of offers of holders to exchange or repurchase their bonds by the Company, the holders receive for each a) bond offered for exchange or bond offered for repurchase for a repurchase price of Euro 535.00 (equivalent to a repurchase rate of 107%). The additional payment and the repurchase amount are increased by accrued interest from the last interest payment date until the value date (expected 15 October 2019). The offer period starts on 18 September 2019 and ends on 03 October 2019, 3.00 p.m. CET.
S Immo: weekly performance: -0.10%

Andritz: Technology company Andritz held its Capital Market Day 2019 for financial analysts and institutional investors in Vienna. Wolfgang Leitner, President & CEO of Andritz AG, confirmed the Group's long-term financial goals - average sales growth of 5-8% per annum and a long-term EBITA margin of 8%.
Andritz: weekly performance: -4.38%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (17/09/2019)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Raiffeisen Bank International, Andritz, S Immo (17/09/2019)

22.09.2019, 2261 Zeichen

Raiffeisen Bank International: Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) has  placed its second benchmark green bond issuance today and confirms its commitment to the green bond market. The new issue, targeting institutional investors, raised Euro 750 mn for 7 years and carries a 0.375 per cent coupon, equivalent to 75 basis points over mid swaps. With demand in excess of Euro 1.8 billion, the orderbook was significantly oversubscribed. The proceeds from the bond will be used to finance environmentally friendly housing and commercial real estate, as well as green transport infrastructure and transportation projects in Central and Eastern Europe. “We want to make our contribution towards more sustainability. Green bonds are an important pillar of our sustainability strategy and provide an interesting investment opportunity for investors“ said Martin Grüll, CFO of RBI, about the issuance. “The high level of demand shows that green bonds are no longer a niche topic and are met with wide interest from investors“ explains Grüll.
RBI: weekly performance: -1.23%

S Immo: The Management Board of real estate company S Immo AG has decided today to invite holders of the 4.5% S Immo bond 2014-2021 (ISIN: AT0000A177D2) to offer S Immo the exchange or the repurchase of their bonds. In the event of acceptance of offers of holders to exchange or repurchase their bonds by the Company, the holders receive for each a) bond offered for exchange or bond offered for repurchase for a repurchase price of Euro 535.00 (equivalent to a repurchase rate of 107%). The additional payment and the repurchase amount are increased by accrued interest from the last interest payment date until the value date (expected 15 October 2019). The offer period starts on 18 September 2019 and ends on 03 October 2019, 3.00 p.m. CET.
S Immo: weekly performance: -0.10%

Andritz: Technology company Andritz held its Capital Market Day 2019 for financial analysts and institutional investors in Vienna. Wolfgang Leitner, President & CEO of Andritz AG, confirmed the Group's long-term financial goals - average sales growth of 5-8% per annum and a long-term EBITA margin of 8%.
Andritz: weekly performance: -4.38%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (17/09/2019)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:EuroTeleSites AG, Rosenbauer, Porr, Austriacard Holdings AG, AT&S, Lenzing, Uniqa, Pierer Mobility, FACC, DO&CO, Zumtobel, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Warimpex, UBM, RHI Magnesita, SW Umwelttechnik, Flughafen Wien, Oberbank AG Stamm, Addiko Bank, Agrana, Amag, EVN, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, VIG.

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CA Immo
CA Immo ist der Spezialist für Büroimmobilien in zentraleuropäischen Hauptstädten. Das Unternehmen deckt die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette im gewerblichen Immobilienbereich ab: Vermietung und Management sowie Projektentwicklung mit hoher in-house-Baukompetenz. Das 1987 gegründete Unternehmen notiert im ATX der Wiener Börse.

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