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21st Austria weekly - Vienna Stock Exchange, Wolftank Adisa (24/06/2019)


Vienna Stock Exchange: Vönix VBV Sustainability changes. The shares of  Burgenland Holding and Uniqa Insurance Group were newly included in the VÖNIX. Austrian Post and Raiffeisen Bank International were removed from the index. The VÖNIX includes those companies listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange that are leaders in ecological and social activities and services. "The importance of sustainability and responsibility has increased in all areas of life. Investors are more and more paying attention to ecological and social criteria. They are currently surfing the green wave on the financial markets worldwide," says Martin Wenzl, Head of Market & Product Development, Listing of the Vienna Stock Exchange. "When we started VÖNIX 14 years ago, sustainability was still a marginal issue. Today, VÖNIX is THE sustainability benchmark in Austria," explains Andreas Zakostelsky, Chairman of the Advisory Board of VÖNIX and CEO of the VBV Group. "Increasing investor interest and planned new regulations at EU level are strengthening the trend towards sustainable investment, which VÖNIX already took up in 2005," explains Reinhard Friesenbichler, Managing Director of rfu, the company responsible for VÖNIX's sustainability rating.

Wolftank-Adisa: Wolftank-Adisa Holding AG, a company focusing on remediation and monitoring of (large-scale) tank farms, environmental protection services for contaminated soils and facilities, as well as full-service engineering services for LNG- and petrol stations, announced a capital increase. The newly issued shares will be offered in a private placement to selected qualified and long-term oriented institutional investors at a price of Euro 30.00 per share. These new shares are entitled to dividends for the current financial year in which they are issued as well as for the previous financial year, provided that no distribution resolution has yet been passed for the net profit in the current fiscal year. The funds will be used to finance the further strong international growth of the Group, to strengthen the equity base as well as the increase of the free float, the company stated.

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (24/06/2019)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Vienna Stock Exchange, Wolftank Adisa (24/06/2019)

30.06.2019, 2212 Zeichen

Vienna Stock Exchange: Vönix VBV Sustainability changes. The shares of  Burgenland Holding and Uniqa Insurance Group were newly included in the VÖNIX. Austrian Post and Raiffeisen Bank International were removed from the index. The VÖNIX includes those companies listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange that are leaders in ecological and social activities and services. "The importance of sustainability and responsibility has increased in all areas of life. Investors are more and more paying attention to ecological and social criteria. They are currently surfing the green wave on the financial markets worldwide," says Martin Wenzl, Head of Market & Product Development, Listing of the Vienna Stock Exchange. "When we started VÖNIX 14 years ago, sustainability was still a marginal issue. Today, VÖNIX is THE sustainability benchmark in Austria," explains Andreas Zakostelsky, Chairman of the Advisory Board of VÖNIX and CEO of the VBV Group. "Increasing investor interest and planned new regulations at EU level are strengthening the trend towards sustainable investment, which VÖNIX already took up in 2005," explains Reinhard Friesenbichler, Managing Director of rfu, the company responsible for VÖNIX's sustainability rating.

Wolftank-Adisa: Wolftank-Adisa Holding AG, a company focusing on remediation and monitoring of (large-scale) tank farms, environmental protection services for contaminated soils and facilities, as well as full-service engineering services for LNG- and petrol stations, announced a capital increase. The newly issued shares will be offered in a private placement to selected qualified and long-term oriented institutional investors at a price of Euro 30.00 per share. These new shares are entitled to dividends for the current financial year in which they are issued as well as for the previous financial year, provided that no distribution resolution has yet been passed for the net profit in the current fiscal year. The funds will be used to finance the further strong international growth of the Group, to strengthen the equity base as well as the increase of the free float, the company stated.

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (24/06/2019)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Kapsch TrafficCom, Austriacard Holdings AG, EuroTeleSites AG, Flughafen Wien, Warimpex, Mayr-Melnhof, Erste Group, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, OMV, Wienerberger, Cleen Energy, DO&CO, Pierer Mobility, Stadlauer Malzfabrik AG, Semperit, Strabag, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Agrana, Amag, Rosenbauer, Oberbank AG Stamm, RHI Magnesita, EVN, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG.

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