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21st Austria weekly - UBM (07/03/2019)


UBM Development: Austrian real estate development company UBM Development reported an increase in Total Output to Euro 900 mn during 2018, above all due to the substantial growth in revenue from property sales. Particular highlights included three major projects: the Leuchtenbergring in Munich, the new Zalando headquarters in Berlin and the sale of the Office Provider in Vienna. According to preliminary figures, EBT rose by 9% to Euro 55 mn. Preliminary net profit totalled roughly Euro 40 mn, which represents earnings per share of Euro 5.3 (2017: Euro 4.9). “The 2018 financial year leaves no doubt about the sustainability of our earnings power“, commented Thomas G. Winkler, CEO of UBM. “At the same time, the new projects will ensure our future profitability“, added Winkler. Despite record sales of more than €600m in 2018, the current pipeline amounts to €1.8 bn (sales volume up to 2022). A total of 14 hotel projects with over 3,900 rooms are now under development. In addition to its core expertise in the hotel segment, the company is strengthening its focus on residential properties. The pipeline includes a number of large-scale projects in the fastest growing top cities in Germany and in Vienna. UBM has a total of around 3,500 apartments under development at present.
UBM: weekly performance: 2.22%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (07/03/2019)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - UBM (07/03/2019)

10.03.2019, 1406 Zeichen

UBM Development: Austrian real estate development company UBM Development reported an increase in Total Output to Euro 900 mn during 2018, above all due to the substantial growth in revenue from property sales. Particular highlights included three major projects: the Leuchtenbergring in Munich, the new Zalando headquarters in Berlin and the sale of the Office Provider in Vienna. According to preliminary figures, EBT rose by 9% to Euro 55 mn. Preliminary net profit totalled roughly Euro 40 mn, which represents earnings per share of Euro 5.3 (2017: Euro 4.9). “The 2018 financial year leaves no doubt about the sustainability of our earnings power“, commented Thomas G. Winkler, CEO of UBM. “At the same time, the new projects will ensure our future profitability“, added Winkler. Despite record sales of more than €600m in 2018, the current pipeline amounts to €1.8 bn (sales volume up to 2022). A total of 14 hotel projects with over 3,900 rooms are now under development. In addition to its core expertise in the hotel segment, the company is strengthening its focus on residential properties. The pipeline includes a number of large-scale projects in the fastest growing top cities in Germany and in Vienna. UBM has a total of around 3,500 apartments under development at present.
UBM: weekly performance: 2.22%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (07/03/2019)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #773: ATX leicht fester, Pierer Mobility etwas erholt, Neoh tritt mit IPO-Profi in Frankfurt auf, neue Nr. 1 Börsepeople



Aktien auf dem Radar:Agrana, Pierer Mobility, Warimpex, Immofinanz, CA Immo, Semperit, Bawag, EVN, OMV, Mayr-Melnhof, Linz Textil Holding, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Wolford, Zumtobel, Oberbank AG Stamm, Polytec Group, Amag, Erste Group, EuroTeleSites AG, Flughafen Wien, Frequentis, Österreichische Post, Rosenbauer, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger.

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