20.01.2019, 2748 Zeichen
FACC: FACC, a worldwide leading aerospace company in design, development and production of innovative aircraft components and systems, achieved solid sales growth in both the third quarter and the first nine months of the financial year 2018/19. Sales in the first nine months increased by 4.0% to Euro 589.2 mn. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) rose by 5.3% to Euro 42.2 mn in the first nine months. FACC has confirmed its outlook for the full financial year 2018/19. "The 2018/19 financial year has so far been thoroughly positive and eventful for FACC. In addition to continuing our leading-edge investment program, we are also working intensively on the implementation of new projects that will lead to growth in the years to come," said Robert Machtlinger, CEO of FACC.
FACC: weekly performance: 13.94%
SBO: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG (SBO), the global market leader in high-precision components made of high-alloy steel and a leading supplier of key components for the oilfield service industry, posted a successful 2018 financial year. According to preliminary figures for 2018, bookings received by SBO climbed 40 % to Euro 480 mn (2017: Euro 342.0). Sales rose by 30 % to Euro 420 mn (2017: Euro 324.2 mn). The operating result (EBIT) increased to Euro 70 mn (2017: Euro 25.6 mn). Profit before tax arrived at Euro 55 mn (2017: minus 69.8 mn, including a non-cash-effective expense posting for option commitments in the amount of Euro 87.6 mn). "We look back on a sound 2018 financial year. All in all, the unexpectedly sharp drop in the oil price and the slowdown in activities in the fourth quarter had only a relatively minor impact on SBO's performance," says Gerald Grohmann, CEO of SBO. "Looking at the full year, we saw recovery in almost all regions alongside the dynamic North American business. We have prepared the company for this environment at an early stage and could make optimal use of the market opportunities, build up our workforce and make specific investments to grow our company“.
SBO: weekly performance: 1.49%
voestalpine: Steel company voestalpine announced that preliminary earnings figures for the first nine months of the business year 2018/19 with an EBITDA of around Euro 1.1 bn and an EBIT of around Euro 525 mn are below market expectations. Due to lower earnings for the first nine months and a further expected economic slowdown in the last fiscal quarter, the Management Board of voestalpine adjusted the earnings forecast for the full business year 2018/19 and as of now expects an EBITDA of approximately Euro 1.55 bn and an EBIT of approximately Euro 750 mn.
voestalpine: weekly performance: -1.81%
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (17/01/2019)
Wiener Börse Party #856: ATX TR 10.000, wie wärs mir einer PK? Wir haben O-Töne zum Rekord und Palfinger erwähnt Rheinmetall
Aktien auf dem Radar:Strabag, Frequentis, Porr, EuroTeleSites AG, Pierer Mobility, Agrana, OMV, Semperit, CA Immo, Immofinanz, Verbund, Andritz, AT&S, Bawag, BTV AG, Erste Group, Gurktaler AG VZ, Lenzing, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, voestalpine, Wienerberger, Wolford, Zumtobel, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Austriacard Holdings AG, Amag, EVN, Flughafen Wien, Telekom Austria.
Strabag SE ist ein europäischer Technologiekonzern für Baudienstleistungen. Das Angebot umfasst sämtliche Bereiche der Bauindustrie und deckt die gesamte Bauwertschöpfungskette ab. Durch das Engagement der knapp 72.000 MitarbeiterInnen erwirtschaftet das Unternehmen jährlich eine Leistung von rund 14 Mrd. Euro (Stand 06/17).
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