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21st Austria weekly - Porr, Kapsch TrafficCom, Zumtobel Group (18/10/2018)


Porr: Austrian construction group Porr has been awarded the design & build contract for the 16 km stretch of the S3 expressway Bolków – Kamienna Góra. The tender is worth around Euro 320 mn (PLN 1,350m) and construction is expected to take 56 months. "Porr S.A. has now acquired its second major infrastructure project in Poland within a period of just two months thanks to this project. This means that we remain on the fast track in Poland, a crucial home market for us,” said Karl-Heinz Strauss, CEO of Porr AG.
Porr: weekly performance: 0.84%

Kapsch TrafficCom: As a consequence of the Polish Government’s efforts to have the nation-wide toll system operated by a government agency, Kapsch TrafficCom’s current contract to operate the toll system is going to expire on November 2, 2018, the company announced. Kapsch will support the further operation of the system throughout a transition phase of 27 months (starting as of November 3, 2018) with the option for the customer of an early termination six months before the scheduled end date, i.e. after 21 months. For its support, Kapsch TrafficCom will receive a monthly remuneration of about Euro 2.4 mn.
Kapsch TrafficCom: weekly performance: -4.69%

Zumtobel Group: Zumtobel Group starts a light partnership with FC Bayern München. Thanks to the comprehensive lighting expertise of the Zumtobel Group, the stadium of FC Bayern will receive a new modern lighting solution. Its completion is scheduled for 2019. Since the beginning of the new season 2018/19, the Zumtobel Group has also been the exclusive lighting partner of FC Bayern.
Zumtobel: weekly performance: 0.96%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (18/10/2018)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Porr, Kapsch TrafficCom, Zumtobel Group (18/10/2018)

18.10.2018, 1705 Zeichen

Porr: Austrian construction group Porr has been awarded the design & build contract for the 16 km stretch of the S3 expressway Bolków – Kamienna Góra. The tender is worth around Euro 320 mn (PLN 1,350m) and construction is expected to take 56 months. "Porr S.A. has now acquired its second major infrastructure project in Poland within a period of just two months thanks to this project. This means that we remain on the fast track in Poland, a crucial home market for us,” said Karl-Heinz Strauss, CEO of Porr AG.
Porr: weekly performance: 0.84%

Kapsch TrafficCom: As a consequence of the Polish Government’s efforts to have the nation-wide toll system operated by a government agency, Kapsch TrafficCom’s current contract to operate the toll system is going to expire on November 2, 2018, the company announced. Kapsch will support the further operation of the system throughout a transition phase of 27 months (starting as of November 3, 2018) with the option for the customer of an early termination six months before the scheduled end date, i.e. after 21 months. For its support, Kapsch TrafficCom will receive a monthly remuneration of about Euro 2.4 mn.
Kapsch TrafficCom: weekly performance: -4.69%

Zumtobel Group: Zumtobel Group starts a light partnership with FC Bayern München. Thanks to the comprehensive lighting expertise of the Zumtobel Group, the stadium of FC Bayern will receive a new modern lighting solution. Its completion is scheduled for 2019. Since the beginning of the new season 2018/19, the Zumtobel Group has also been the exclusive lighting partner of FC Bayern.
Zumtobel: weekly performance: 0.96%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (18/10/2018)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

SportWoche Podcast #137: Tennis-Highlights, Rankings & Rookies 2024 aus österreichischer Sicht feat. Thomas Schweda, ÖTV



Aktien auf dem Radar:Pierer Mobility, voestalpine, Amag, Immofinanz, CA Immo, EuroTeleSites AG, Frequentis, Rosgix, Warimpex, Wienerberger, Kapsch TrafficCom, AT&S, Frauenthal, Gurktaler AG Stamm, Polytec Group, Wolftank-Adisa, Porr, Oberbank AG Stamm, UBM, Palfinger, Zumtobel, Addiko Bank, Agrana, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa.

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