05.10.2018, 1382 Zeichen
OMV: Russian Gazprom an Austrian OMV signed a Memorandum on strategic cooperation. The document envisages the creation of a Joint Coordinating Committee on collaboration in the natural gas sector, both upstream and downstream, science and technology as well as staff training.
OMV: weekly performance:
Warimpex: Austrian real estate development and investment company Warimpex officially opened Ogrodowa Office, a office building in the centre of Łódź/Poland. The building provides more than 28,000 sqm of space, of which nearly 4,000 will be occupied by commercial and service outlets as well as food amenities. The building has received the occupancy permit and the first tenants of office and service premises have already moved in. There is still office space available for rent in the building. So far, the tenants include MakoLab S.A., PwC Polska Sp. z o.o., Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A., doing business as Citi Handlowy, and HarmanConnected Services Poland Sp. z o.o. The Łódź-based building will offer a number of functions and serviceoutlets. Among others, PKO Bank Polski and Luisse hairdresser’s will open their branches here. The building will also host food amenities such as a cafe, confectioner’s, bakery, and Meating Point restaurant.
Warimpex: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (05/10/2018)
Wiener Börse Party #856: ATX TR 10.000, wie wärs mir einer PK? Wir haben O-Töne zum Rekord und Palfinger erwähnt Rheinmetall
Aktien auf dem Radar:Strabag, Frequentis, Porr, EuroTeleSites AG, Pierer Mobility, Agrana, OMV, Semperit, CA Immo, Immofinanz, Verbund, Andritz, AT&S, Bawag, BTV AG, Erste Group, Gurktaler AG VZ, Lenzing, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, voestalpine, Wienerberger, Wolford, Zumtobel, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Austriacard Holdings AG, Amag, EVN, Flughafen Wien, Telekom Austria.
EXAA Abwicklungsstelle für Energieprodukte AG
Die EXAA Abwicklungsstelle für Energieprodukte AG ist die führende österreichische Energiebörse mit einer breiten heimischen sowie internationalen Kundenbasis und einem länderübergreifenden Produktportfolio. Die Energiebörse versteht sich als Partner für alle Akteure am europäischen Energiemarkt und erschließt kontinuierlich neue Geschäftsfelder, um weiter nachhaltig zu wachsen.
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