„ Strabag - FY 2020 Results “
„ Strabag - Disclaimer “
„ Strabag - 2020: Diversification and regionality helped balancing Covid-19 effects “
„ Strabag - Decline in output volume lower than predicted “
„ Strabag - Increase in order backlog despite crisis “
„ Strabag - EBIDTA topping € 1 billion mark for the second time “
„ Strabag - Earnings per share rose by 6% “
„ Strabag - Net cash increased to an exceptional level of € 1.7 billion “
„ Strabag - Cash and cash equivalents of € 2.9 billion “
„ Strabag - Again cash inflow in 2HY/2020 “
„ Strabag - Reduced investments lead to high free cash flow “
„ Strabag - North + west: crisis-proof thanks to stable core markets “
„ Strabag - South + East: improved earnings with a simultaneous decline in output volume “
„ Strabag - International + special divisions: business sectos affected very differently by the crisis “
„ Strabag - Outlook for 2021 “
„ Strabag - Appendix “
„ Strabag - Flexible business model, selective diversity “
„ Strabag - Equity ration increases to 34% “
„ Strabag - Group income statement 2020 “
„ Strabag - Group income statement 2020 (cont.) “
„ Strabag - Your questions, please “