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09.06.2017, 13292 Zeichen


Theresa May verhandelt

The General Election produced a hung parliament after Tories lost seats nationwide.The Conservatives won 318 seats, with only one left to be declared, and therefore cannot reach the 326 seats they need to form a majority government.Jeremy Corbyn's Labour saw an extraordinary turnaround, and ended up with 261 seats.Prime Minister May went to Buckingham Palace on Friday to seek permission to form a minority government — despite calls for her to resign. Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party is set to support the Tories — but not in a formal coalition.Hammond, Boris, Rudd and other cabinet beasts keep their positions as Tory MPs turn on may. LONDON — It is a hung parliament. In one of the most remarkable election results Britain has ever seen, Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservative party only managed to win 318 seats, eight seats short of a majority.Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party gained 29 seats having initially been as far as 20% behind the Conservatives in opinion polls conducted just weeks before Thursday night's election.May has refused to resign as prime minister. She delivered a defiant speech outside 10 Downing Street earlier today, saying her newly-elected minority government will deliver a period of "stability" for Britain ahead of Brexit talks. The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), a Northern Irish party with 10 seats in Westminster, is set to back the Conservatives in an informal relationship — but not a formal coalition government. Scroll down for the latest developments as Britain comes to terms with a huge political shock.19:36 — PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS BRIEFLY COMMENTED ON THE UK GENERAL ELECTION, SAYING THE RESULT WAS "SURPRISING"According to the BBC, he did not elaborate.18:36 — PHILIP HAMMOND HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY REAPPOINTED AS CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER"Pleased to be re-appointed so we can now get on and negotiate a Brexit deal that supports British jobs, business and prosperity," Hammond tweeted. .@PhilipHammondUK has been reappointed Chancellor of the Exchequer: https://t.co/jnAhJEuSZo pic.twitter.com/eQJG3EHjZh — HM Treasury (@hmtreasury) June 9, 2017 18:12 — KENSINGTON COUNT RESUMESCounting at Kensington, the last remaining seat, is underway after a 12-hour pause. The first count is thought to have been a Labour victory by about 50 votes, but recounts were requested after counting staff said it was too close to be certain, the BBC reports. 17:40 — BUT NOT EVERYBODY IS SAFE?Some notable names not included on that government press release are Trade Secretary Liam Fox and Justice Secretary Liz Truss. Might they be being shuffled? We are not expected to find out tonight. 17:17 — CABINET BIG DOGS KEEP THEIR POSITIONSIt looks May won't be risking making any big changes to her cabinet.Philip Hammond — who has a frosty relationship with the prime minister's team — remains as Chancellor, Downing Street has just confirmed. Boris Johnson (Foreign Secretary), David Davis (Brexit Secretary), Amber Rudd (Home Secretary) and Michael Fallon (Defence Secretary) have also kept their roles. 17:13 — AMBER RUDD STAYS AS HOME SECRETARYAmber Rudd, who very nearly lost her Hastings and Rye seat last night, remains as Home Secetary, the BBC says.16:58 — THE PM TOO WEAK TO HOLD A RESHUFFLE?ITV's Robert Peston reports that May won't be making any changes to her cabinet as she isn't in a strong enough position to do so without risking alienating key members of her team.  There will be no reshuffle at all. May too weakened to risk alienating big beasts. All holders of top cabinet jobs will be confirmed in post — Robert Peston (@Peston) June 9, 2017 This is extraordinary from a prime minister who just a month ago led her closest rival, Jeremy Corbyn, by leads of up to 20% in opinion polls. Not so much of a "bloody difficult woman" anymore, it seems.  16:30 — MAY: "I'M SO SORRY TO ALL THOSE COLLEAGUES" WHO LOST THEIR SEATSMay said she was "sorry to all my colleagues" who lost their seats. When asked if we should expect a reshuffle, she said today she was concentrating on forming a government.16:10 — TORY MPS ARE REELING AND IT LOOKS LIKELY MAY WILL BE FORCED OUTJournalist Robert Peston tweeted a pretty, erm, telling quote from a senior Tory MP talking about Prime Minister May: Senior Tory MP: "We all f***ing hate her. But there is nothing we can do. She has totally f***ed us". — Robert Peston (@Peston) June 9, 2017 This falls in line with what a senior Conservative party insider told BI's politics editor Adam Bienkov earlier today — although without the swear words. You can read his article here.With the fact May led the Conservatives into an electoral massacre when they had an operating majority government that could've enjoyed power for three more years, it's highly likely she'll be forced out if she doesn't resign.16:00 — THE POUND IS STILL DOWN15:25 — YOUTH TURNOUT SURPASSED ALL EXPECTATIONSWe don't have an official figure on what the 18-24 turnout was in yesterday's election, but the National Union of Students (NUS) has suggested it was around 72%. How does that compare to recent elections?2005: 38%2010: 52%2015: 58%2017: 72%Generation Jez?15:18 — BRITAIN IS IN A "VERY WEAK POSITION" IN BREXIT TALKS"Britain is in a very weak position" heading into Brexit talks with the European Union, former European Commission economic adviser Phillipe Legrain just told the Sky News. "The rest of Europe is laughing at us. They are crying at us, partly. They used to think we are pragmatic power but now we are a complete joke. Just read the continental papers."14:49 — DUP TO ENTER NEGOTIATIONS WITH CONSERVATIVESDUP leader Arlene Foster just confirmed that she'll soon "enter discussions" with the Conservative Party to "see how it may be possible to bring stability" to Britain. 14:41 — PROTEST TO TAKE PLACE IN WESTMINSTER AGAINST THE "BIGOT COALITION"A protest is taking place outside Downing Street at 17:30 (BST) today against the prospect of a Tory minority government propped up by the DUP."Now is the time to tell Theresa May she has to do one. Get yourself and your mates down to Downing Street tonight and let her know we don't want her anymore."Her Coalition of Chaos with the racist, sexist, homophobic, sectarian, DUP can't stand. This government does not have our confidence."Let's have a party and put her and her mates in the DUP in the bin."Make this election the naughtiest thing Theresa May has ever done." Protest today, 5pm, Theresa May's Coalition of Chaos, backed by anti-LGBT, anti-women extremists >> https://t.co/k9u01WcZeW — Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) June 9, 2017 14:30 — THE RETURN OF THE TWO-PARTY SYSTEMOne striking takeaway from last night's election result was the domination of the Tories and Labour.Britain's two big political beats won 82.4% of the national vote, while every other UK party lost votes. Is this a beginning of a new era in British politics? Or a one off?14:01 — A LOOK AT THE FRONT PAGESHow have Britain's biggest newspapers reacted to last night's drama?13:35 — WHAT DOES A WEAKENED TORY GOVERNMENT MEAN FOR BREXIT?Even with the DUP's help, Theresa May will only have a parliamentary majority of two. This means that the prime minister will likely need the support of Labour and the other opposition parties in order to get Brexit legislation through parliament — and that will not be easy, especially if remains intent on delivering a "hard" Brexit. Will May continue with her "no deal is better than a bad deal" line?What about the Single Market? And the Customs Union?Labour MP Yvette Cooper raised this point posted earlier today.   Hung parliament means Brexit negotiations can't be done by a small Tory cabal. Need cross party commission. Best chance of sustainable deal — Yvette Cooper (@YvetteCooperMP) June 9, 2017 13:27 — MAY'S DOWNING STREET SPEECH IN FULLHere is the full version of what Prime Minister May said outside the steps of 10 Downing Street.I have just been to see Her Majesty the Queen, and I will now form a government – a government that can provide certainty and lead Britain forward at this critical time for our country.This government will guide the country through the crucial Brexit talks that begin in just 10 days, and deliver on the will of the British people by taking the United Kingdom out of the European Union.It will work to keep our nation safe and secure by delivering the change that I set out following the appalling attacks in Manchester and London – cracking down on the ideology of Islamist extremism and all those who support it. And giving the police and the authorities the powers they need to keep our country safe.The government I lead will put fairness and opportunity at the heart of everything we do, so that we fulfill the promise of Brexit together and – over the next 5 years – build a country in which no one and no community is left behind.A country in which prosperity and opportunity are shared right across this United Kingdom.What the country needs more than ever is certainty, and having secured the largest number of votes and the greatest number of seats in the general election, it is clear that only the Conservative & Unionist Party has the legitimacy and ability to provide that certainty by commanding a majority in the House of Commons.As we do, we will continue to work with our friends and allies in the Democratic Unionist Party in particular. Our 2 parties have enjoyed a strong relationship over many years, and this gives me the confidence to believe that we will be able to work together in the interests of the whole United Kingdom.This will allow us to come together as a country and channel our energies towards a successful Brexit deal that works for everyone in this country – securing a new partnership with the EU which guarantees our long-term prosperity.That’s what people voted for last June.That’s what we will deliver.Now let’s get to work.13:11 — A HAPPY-LOOKING CORBYN GOES FOR LUNCH IN HIS CONSTITUENCYLabour leader Corbyn has had a beaming smile on his face all day after last night's shock result.Here is is going for lunch at a cafe in his north London constituency, Islington North, where he won with 40,086 votes. Just ran into Jeremy Corbyn having lunch at his local café after #ge2017 pic.twitter.com/jGQ1ol8fXE — Thomas Seal (@TW_Seal) June 9, 2017 12:55 — THERESA MAY: "LET'S GET ON WITH IT"Speaking outside Number 10 Downing Street, May confirms that she will seek the support of her "friends and allies" in the DUP in order to deliver a period of "certainty" for Britain as it heads towards Brexit talks.She insists "nothing has changed" and says "let's get on with it" in a speech that sounds like one she would have given following a majority victory. The prime minister is defiant — but how long can it last?12:50 — SO WHO ARE THE DUP?Theresa May's survival as prime minister is now at least partially in the hands of the Democratic Unionist Party — but who are they? And what do they stand for?Here's everything you need to know.12:49 — MAY LEAVES BUCKINGHAM PALACEThe prime minister has just finished meeting with the Queen. She is set to make an official statement shortly.12:46 — TIM FARRON: "ARROGANT" MAY SHOULD RESIGNLib Dem leader Farron says "if she [May] has any self-respect she will resign". Theresa May "should be ashamed" & should resign - Lib Dem leader Tim Farron https://t.co/8xOR0z6PJc #bbcelection #hungparliament #GE2017 pic.twitter.com/ITNtYhtaVS— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) June 9, 201712:40 — "JEREMY WILL BE HERE UNTIL THE NEXT ELECTION"That's according to former London Mayor Ken Livingstone. Livingstone — a lifelong ally of Corbyn — says Labour's performance in last night's election means Corbyn will have the party's confidence to take it into the next election.Livingstone is currently suspended from Labour pending an investigation for alleged anti-Semitic remarks he made last year. 12:32 — A TERRIBLE NIGHT FOR THE TORIESTheresa May lost every marginal seat she visited on the campaign trail, according to BBC Radio 4.That is an astounding stat. 12:27 — THERESA MAY LEAVES DOWNING STREETPrime Minister May and her husband Philip leave Downing Street and set off for Buckingham Palace.1225 — HERE IS A RECAP OF THE KEY NUMBERS IN THE GENERAL ELECTIONThere is only one seat left to declare, Kensington, but here are the results:Conservatives: 318 (seats), 13,650,900 (votes), 42.4% (vote share).Labour: 261, 12,858,652, 40%.SNP: 35, 977,569, 3%.Liberal Democrats: 12, 2,367,048, 7.4%.Green Party: 1, 524,604, 1.6%.UKIP: 0, 593,852, 1.8%.DUP: 10, 292,316, 0.9%Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: Douglas Carswell: 3 reasons why the Leave campaign won

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Börse-Begriffe oft falsch angewendet
Von IPO bis Listing - was ist was?

IPO, Listing, Neuemission - selbst Experten wenden die Begriffe für die verschiedenen Wege an die Börse zuweilen nicht korrekt an. Hier eine kleine Definitionshilfe.

Weiterlesen bei boerse.ard.de



BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #740: Immofinanz / CA Immo Alert für Freitag, Semperit lädt Privatanleger ein, Kontron neu im PIR-Kreis, Spoiler



1. England UK   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Aktien auf dem Radar:Immofinanz, Polytec Group, CA Immo, Austriacard Holdings AG, Warimpex, Addiko Bank, voestalpine, RBI, Österreichische Post, Semperit, SBO, Rosenbauer, AT&S, Cleen Energy, EuroTeleSites AG, Porr, Wolford, DO&CO, Wiener Privatbank, Oberbank AG Stamm, BKS Bank Stamm, Agrana, Amag, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Pierer Mobility, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa.

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Valneva ist ein Impfstoffunternehmen, das sich auf die Entwicklung und Vermarktung von prophylaktischen Impfstoffen gegen Infektionskrankheiten mit hohem ungedeckten medizinischen Bedarf spezialisiert hat.

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    On the Verge

    Theresa May verhandelt und Börse-Begriffe oft falsch angewendet (Top Media Extended)

    09.06.2017, 13292 Zeichen


    Theresa May verhandelt

    The General Election produced a hung parliament after Tories lost seats nationwide.The Conservatives won 318 seats, with only one left to be declared, and therefore cannot reach the 326 seats they need to form a majority government.Jeremy Corbyn's Labour saw an extraordinary turnaround, and ended up with 261 seats.Prime Minister May went to Buckingham Palace on Friday to seek permission to form a minority government — despite calls for her to resign. Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party is set to support the Tories — but not in a formal coalition.Hammond, Boris, Rudd and other cabinet beasts keep their positions as Tory MPs turn on may. LONDON — It is a hung parliament. In one of the most remarkable election results Britain has ever seen, Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservative party only managed to win 318 seats, eight seats short of a majority.Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party gained 29 seats having initially been as far as 20% behind the Conservatives in opinion polls conducted just weeks before Thursday night's election.May has refused to resign as prime minister. She delivered a defiant speech outside 10 Downing Street earlier today, saying her newly-elected minority government will deliver a period of "stability" for Britain ahead of Brexit talks. The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), a Northern Irish party with 10 seats in Westminster, is set to back the Conservatives in an informal relationship — but not a formal coalition government. Scroll down for the latest developments as Britain comes to terms with a huge political shock.19:36 — PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS BRIEFLY COMMENTED ON THE UK GENERAL ELECTION, SAYING THE RESULT WAS "SURPRISING"According to the BBC, he did not elaborate.18:36 — PHILIP HAMMOND HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY REAPPOINTED AS CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER"Pleased to be re-appointed so we can now get on and negotiate a Brexit deal that supports British jobs, business and prosperity," Hammond tweeted. .@PhilipHammondUK has been reappointed Chancellor of the Exchequer: https://t.co/jnAhJEuSZo pic.twitter.com/eQJG3EHjZh — HM Treasury (@hmtreasury) June 9, 2017 18:12 — KENSINGTON COUNT RESUMESCounting at Kensington, the last remaining seat, is underway after a 12-hour pause. The first count is thought to have been a Labour victory by about 50 votes, but recounts were requested after counting staff said it was too close to be certain, the BBC reports. 17:40 — BUT NOT EVERYBODY IS SAFE?Some notable names not included on that government press release are Trade Secretary Liam Fox and Justice Secretary Liz Truss. Might they be being shuffled? We are not expected to find out tonight. 17:17 — CABINET BIG DOGS KEEP THEIR POSITIONSIt looks May won't be risking making any big changes to her cabinet.Philip Hammond — who has a frosty relationship with the prime minister's team — remains as Chancellor, Downing Street has just confirmed. Boris Johnson (Foreign Secretary), David Davis (Brexit Secretary), Amber Rudd (Home Secretary) and Michael Fallon (Defence Secretary) have also kept their roles. 17:13 — AMBER RUDD STAYS AS HOME SECRETARYAmber Rudd, who very nearly lost her Hastings and Rye seat last night, remains as Home Secetary, the BBC says.16:58 — THE PM TOO WEAK TO HOLD A RESHUFFLE?ITV's Robert Peston reports that May won't be making any changes to her cabinet as she isn't in a strong enough position to do so without risking alienating key members of her team.  There will be no reshuffle at all. May too weakened to risk alienating big beasts. All holders of top cabinet jobs will be confirmed in post — Robert Peston (@Peston) June 9, 2017 This is extraordinary from a prime minister who just a month ago led her closest rival, Jeremy Corbyn, by leads of up to 20% in opinion polls. Not so much of a "bloody difficult woman" anymore, it seems.  16:30 — MAY: "I'M SO SORRY TO ALL THOSE COLLEAGUES" WHO LOST THEIR SEATSMay said she was "sorry to all my colleagues" who lost their seats. When asked if we should expect a reshuffle, she said today she was concentrating on forming a government.16:10 — TORY MPS ARE REELING AND IT LOOKS LIKELY MAY WILL BE FORCED OUTJournalist Robert Peston tweeted a pretty, erm, telling quote from a senior Tory MP talking about Prime Minister May: Senior Tory MP: "We all f***ing hate her. But there is nothing we can do. She has totally f***ed us". — Robert Peston (@Peston) June 9, 2017 This falls in line with what a senior Conservative party insider told BI's politics editor Adam Bienkov earlier today — although without the swear words. You can read his article here.With the fact May led the Conservatives into an electoral massacre when they had an operating majority government that could've enjoyed power for three more years, it's highly likely she'll be forced out if she doesn't resign.16:00 — THE POUND IS STILL DOWN15:25 — YOUTH TURNOUT SURPASSED ALL EXPECTATIONSWe don't have an official figure on what the 18-24 turnout was in yesterday's election, but the National Union of Students (NUS) has suggested it was around 72%. How does that compare to recent elections?2005: 38%2010: 52%2015: 58%2017: 72%Generation Jez?15:18 — BRITAIN IS IN A "VERY WEAK POSITION" IN BREXIT TALKS"Britain is in a very weak position" heading into Brexit talks with the European Union, former European Commission economic adviser Phillipe Legrain just told the Sky News. "The rest of Europe is laughing at us. They are crying at us, partly. They used to think we are pragmatic power but now we are a complete joke. Just read the continental papers."14:49 — DUP TO ENTER NEGOTIATIONS WITH CONSERVATIVESDUP leader Arlene Foster just confirmed that she'll soon "enter discussions" with the Conservative Party to "see how it may be possible to bring stability" to Britain. 14:41 — PROTEST TO TAKE PLACE IN WESTMINSTER AGAINST THE "BIGOT COALITION"A protest is taking place outside Downing Street at 17:30 (BST) today against the prospect of a Tory minority government propped up by the DUP."Now is the time to tell Theresa May she has to do one. Get yourself and your mates down to Downing Street tonight and let her know we don't want her anymore."Her Coalition of Chaos with the racist, sexist, homophobic, sectarian, DUP can't stand. This government does not have our confidence."Let's have a party and put her and her mates in the DUP in the bin."Make this election the naughtiest thing Theresa May has ever done." Protest today, 5pm, Theresa May's Coalition of Chaos, backed by anti-LGBT, anti-women extremists >> https://t.co/k9u01WcZeW — Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) June 9, 2017 14:30 — THE RETURN OF THE TWO-PARTY SYSTEMOne striking takeaway from last night's election result was the domination of the Tories and Labour.Britain's two big political beats won 82.4% of the national vote, while every other UK party lost votes. Is this a beginning of a new era in British politics? Or a one off?14:01 — A LOOK AT THE FRONT PAGESHow have Britain's biggest newspapers reacted to last night's drama?13:35 — WHAT DOES A WEAKENED TORY GOVERNMENT MEAN FOR BREXIT?Even with the DUP's help, Theresa May will only have a parliamentary majority of two. This means that the prime minister will likely need the support of Labour and the other opposition parties in order to get Brexit legislation through parliament — and that will not be easy, especially if remains intent on delivering a "hard" Brexit. Will May continue with her "no deal is better than a bad deal" line?What about the Single Market? And the Customs Union?Labour MP Yvette Cooper raised this point posted earlier today.   Hung parliament means Brexit negotiations can't be done by a small Tory cabal. Need cross party commission. Best chance of sustainable deal — Yvette Cooper (@YvetteCooperMP) June 9, 2017 13:27 — MAY'S DOWNING STREET SPEECH IN FULLHere is the full version of what Prime Minister May said outside the steps of 10 Downing Street.I have just been to see Her Majesty the Queen, and I will now form a government – a government that can provide certainty and lead Britain forward at this critical time for our country.This government will guide the country through the crucial Brexit talks that begin in just 10 days, and deliver on the will of the British people by taking the United Kingdom out of the European Union.It will work to keep our nation safe and secure by delivering the change that I set out following the appalling attacks in Manchester and London – cracking down on the ideology of Islamist extremism and all those who support it. And giving the police and the authorities the powers they need to keep our country safe.The government I lead will put fairness and opportunity at the heart of everything we do, so that we fulfill the promise of Brexit together and – over the next 5 years – build a country in which no one and no community is left behind.A country in which prosperity and opportunity are shared right across this United Kingdom.What the country needs more than ever is certainty, and having secured the largest number of votes and the greatest number of seats in the general election, it is clear that only the Conservative & Unionist Party has the legitimacy and ability to provide that certainty by commanding a majority in the House of Commons.As we do, we will continue to work with our friends and allies in the Democratic Unionist Party in particular. Our 2 parties have enjoyed a strong relationship over many years, and this gives me the confidence to believe that we will be able to work together in the interests of the whole United Kingdom.This will allow us to come together as a country and channel our energies towards a successful Brexit deal that works for everyone in this country – securing a new partnership with the EU which guarantees our long-term prosperity.That’s what people voted for last June.That’s what we will deliver.Now let’s get to work.13:11 — A HAPPY-LOOKING CORBYN GOES FOR LUNCH IN HIS CONSTITUENCYLabour leader Corbyn has had a beaming smile on his face all day after last night's shock result.Here is is going for lunch at a cafe in his north London constituency, Islington North, where he won with 40,086 votes. Just ran into Jeremy Corbyn having lunch at his local café after #ge2017 pic.twitter.com/jGQ1ol8fXE — Thomas Seal (@TW_Seal) June 9, 2017 12:55 — THERESA MAY: "LET'S GET ON WITH IT"Speaking outside Number 10 Downing Street, May confirms that she will seek the support of her "friends and allies" in the DUP in order to deliver a period of "certainty" for Britain as it heads towards Brexit talks.She insists "nothing has changed" and says "let's get on with it" in a speech that sounds like one she would have given following a majority victory. The prime minister is defiant — but how long can it last?12:50 — SO WHO ARE THE DUP?Theresa May's survival as prime minister is now at least partially in the hands of the Democratic Unionist Party — but who are they? And what do they stand for?Here's everything you need to know.12:49 — MAY LEAVES BUCKINGHAM PALACEThe prime minister has just finished meeting with the Queen. She is set to make an official statement shortly.12:46 — TIM FARRON: "ARROGANT" MAY SHOULD RESIGNLib Dem leader Farron says "if she [May] has any self-respect she will resign". Theresa May "should be ashamed" & should resign - Lib Dem leader Tim Farron https://t.co/8xOR0z6PJc #bbcelection #hungparliament #GE2017 pic.twitter.com/ITNtYhtaVS— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) June 9, 201712:40 — "JEREMY WILL BE HERE UNTIL THE NEXT ELECTION"That's according to former London Mayor Ken Livingstone. Livingstone — a lifelong ally of Corbyn — says Labour's performance in last night's election means Corbyn will have the party's confidence to take it into the next election.Livingstone is currently suspended from Labour pending an investigation for alleged anti-Semitic remarks he made last year. 12:32 — A TERRIBLE NIGHT FOR THE TORIESTheresa May lost every marginal seat she visited on the campaign trail, according to BBC Radio 4.That is an astounding stat. 12:27 — THERESA MAY LEAVES DOWNING STREETPrime Minister May and her husband Philip leave Downing Street and set off for Buckingham Palace.1225 — HERE IS A RECAP OF THE KEY NUMBERS IN THE GENERAL ELECTIONThere is only one seat left to declare, Kensington, but here are the results:Conservatives: 318 (seats), 13,650,900 (votes), 42.4% (vote share).Labour: 261, 12,858,652, 40%.SNP: 35, 977,569, 3%.Liberal Democrats: 12, 2,367,048, 7.4%.Green Party: 1, 524,604, 1.6%.UKIP: 0, 593,852, 1.8%.DUP: 10, 292,316, 0.9%Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: Douglas Carswell: 3 reasons why the Leave campaign won

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    Börse-Begriffe oft falsch angewendet
    Von IPO bis Listing - was ist was?

    IPO, Listing, Neuemission - selbst Experten wenden die Begriffe für die verschiedenen Wege an die Börse zuweilen nicht korrekt an. Hier eine kleine Definitionshilfe.

    Weiterlesen bei boerse.ard.de



    BSN Podcasts
    Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

    Wiener Börse Party #740: Immofinanz / CA Immo Alert für Freitag, Semperit lädt Privatanleger ein, Kontron neu im PIR-Kreis, Spoiler



    1. England UK   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

    Aktien auf dem Radar:Immofinanz, Polytec Group, CA Immo, Austriacard Holdings AG, Warimpex, Addiko Bank, voestalpine, RBI, Österreichische Post, Semperit, SBO, Rosenbauer, AT&S, Cleen Energy, EuroTeleSites AG, Porr, Wolford, DO&CO, Wiener Privatbank, Oberbank AG Stamm, BKS Bank Stamm, Agrana, Amag, Erste Group, EVN, Flughafen Wien, OMV, Pierer Mobility, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa.

    Random Partner

    Valneva ist ein Impfstoffunternehmen, das sich auf die Entwicklung und Vermarktung von prophylaktischen Impfstoffen gegen Infektionskrankheiten mit hohem ungedeckten medizinischen Bedarf spezialisiert hat.

    >> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner


    Die Useletter "Morning Xpresso" und "Evening Xtrakt" heben sich deutlich von den gängigen Newslettern ab. Beispiele ansehen bzw. kostenfrei anmelden. Wichtige Börse-Infos garantiert.

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      Star der Stunde: AT&S 1.13%, Rutsch der Stunde: Telekom Austria -1.17%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 15-16: Fabasoft(1)
      Star der Stunde: CA Immo 0.63%, Rutsch der Stunde: Telekom Austria -1.57%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 14-15: RBI(2), Strabag(1), Fabasoft(1)
      Star der Stunde: Zumtobel 0.86%, Rutsch der Stunde: Telekom Austria -1.57%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 13-14: Kontron(6)
      Smeilinho zu Semperit
      BSN MA-Event Zumtobel
      BSN MA-Event BASF

      Featured Partner Video

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