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10.12.2014, 5604 Zeichen

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Subtitle: FACC is contributing innovative composite technology to the next generation of engines from Pratt & Whitney Canada/Successful certification of the first article components following years of development work
Company Information/Milestone in PW800 engine program
FACC AG recently received the approval of the first article parts and the go- ahead for series production of bypass ducts for the new PurePower® PW814 and PW815 engines by Pratt & Whitney Canada, thereby reaching an important program milestone. The Austrian aerospace industry supplier is contributing innovative composite technology to the new engine family, with responsibility for development and production of the bypass ducts.
In mid-November, after more than two years of development work, FACC delivered the first article parts to Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) in Quebec, where they were assembled with the engine. Following a successful test run and product release by P&WC, FACC is now commencing series production of the components at its Aerostructures plant in Ried (Austria). FACC's involvement in the PW800 program comprises deliveries throughout the service life of the engine family and a planned order volume of around 150 million US dollars. "FACC ranks among the global market leaders in the design and production of bypass ducts - thanks above all to the longstanding close collaboration with Pratt & Whitney Canada,"explains Walter Stephan, Chairman of FACC AG. "We are constantly seeking new solutions to make aircraft engines even better, stronger, safer and lighter. So we are all the more pleased that we can play a significant role in the next generation of engines for business jets."
Composite innovations for primary engine structures Bypass ducts are structural components that shroud the outer airflow of jet engines. They need to be extremely wear-resistant, while simultaneously reducing noise and being capable of bearing very high loads in extreme flight situations. All this with minimum possible weight.
Bypass ducts were formerly made of metal. FACC began very early with the development of engine structures made from high-quality, lightweight composite materials. The company's years of design experience and excellent production expertise were a decisive benefit in developing the PW800 program: The FACC engineering team devised an efficient and economical production concept for manufacturing high-strength bypass ducts with low weight and optimum acoustics, which also offer excellent reliability and safety. Specialized production technologies, state-of-the-art automation and process optimization combined with a global supply chain provide the main benefits in terms of cost-effectiveness. Günter Nelböck, Director of Engine Programs at FACC, stressed: "The years we spent building production expertise place us in a very competitive position for optimally meeting demanding customer requirements with regard to strength, weight, and reliability. Thanks to innovative composite technologies, we achieve the necessary functionality with far fewer components. We need fewer rivets, screws, bolts, and subcomponents. Unnecessary interfaces are avoided and the number of individual working steps is lower. Consequently, our integral composite concepts are also a cost-effective solution."
Alongside those for the PW800 engines, FACC also supplies bypass ducts for other engine families made by P&W Canada and P&W USA, as well as components for various Rolls Royce engine families.
Eco-efficient engines for new Gulfstream jets The new PurePower® PW800 engine series is characterized by high fuel efficiency, lower emissions, and less engine noise. With 16,000 pounds of thrust, it is specially designed for fast, long-haul business aircraft flying at high altitudes. Gulfstream Aerospace also relies on this first-class performance: The American business jet manufacturer decided in favor of the PW814 and PW815 engines for its new, efficient Gulfstream G500 and G600 jets, as announced ceremoniously in mid-October at the market launch of the next generation of Gulfstream aircraft. Certification of the PW814 and PW815 engines that will power the Gulfstream G500 and G600 respectively is expected before the end of 2014.
About FACC FACC AG is one of the world's leading companies in the design, development and production of advanced fiber reinforced composite components and systems for the aviation industry. Their range of products reaches from structural components for the fuselage and wings to engine components to complete passenger cabins for commercial aircraft, business jets and helicopters. FACC is a supplier to all large aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Embraer, Sukhoi, and COMAC as well as for engine manufacturers and sub-suppliers of manufacturers. In the business year of 2013/14, FACC achieved a turnover of 547.4 million Euros. The company currently employs 3,100 employees. Further information can be found under www.facc.com.
Image Details: Images are available for editorial use by news media and offered for download under www.facc.com.
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: FACC AG Fischerstraße 9 A-4910 Ried im Innkreis phone: +43/59/616-0 FAX: +43/59/616-81000 mail: office@facc.com WWW: www.facc.com sector: Industrial Components ISIN: AT00000FACC2 indexes:

stockmarkets: Regulated free trade: Wien language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/7665/aom

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #747: ATX stärker, CA Immo und Immofinanz erholen sich unterschiedlich, HS-Gerücht bei AT&S, tolle Jubilare

Akt. Indikation:  6.46 / 6.56
Uhrzeit:  13:23:20
Veränderung zu letztem SK:  0.15%
Letzter SK:  6.50 ( -0.91%)



1. Mark Haisman (VP Wing Procurement, Airbus), Francois Mery (SVP Aerostructures Procurement, Airbus), Walter Stephan (CEO, FACC) und Robert Machtlinger (COO, FACC) bei der Vertragsunterzeichnung für A32   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Aktien auf dem Radar:Immofinanz, Porr, S Immo, Addiko Bank, Austriacard Holdings AG, Flughafen Wien, voestalpine, ams-Osram, Rosgix, Lenzing, Mayr-Melnhof, ATX, ATX TR, Frequentis, Verbund, Erste Group, EVN, DO&CO, Polytec Group, CA Immo, Cleen Energy, Pierer Mobility, SBO, UBM, EuroTeleSites AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, Amag, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria.

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Captrace ist ein führender Anbieter von Informationssystemen im Bereich Investor Relations. Mit seinem System C◆Tace ermöglicht das Unternehmen dem Emittent größtmögliche Transparenz über seine Investorenstruktur zu erhalten. Durch den Service der Aktionärsidentifikation können Emittenten die Daten ihrer Investoren einfach und zuverlässig über das System C◆Trace von den Banken/Intermediären abfragen.

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    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 19-20: OMV(1), Agrana(1)
    Star der Stunde: Agrana 3.15%, Rutsch der Stunde: Flughafen Wien -1.31%
    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 17-18: RBI(1), Uniqa(1), Addiko Bank(1)
    Star der Stunde: RHI Magnesita 1.24%, Rutsch der Stunde: Porr -0.81%
    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 16-17: Kontron(3), voestalpine(1), Palfinger(1), Porr(1), RBI(1)
    Star der Stunde: CA Immo 1.33%, Rutsch der Stunde: Polytec Group -2.07%
    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 15-16: Immofinanz(2), Semperit(1), Mayr-Melnhof(1), Lenzing(1)
    BSN Vola-Event Siemens Healthineers
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    Börsenradio Live-Blick, Mi. 4.9.24: DAX / ATX setzen Downtrend fort, starten deutlich schwächer, Sartorius, Allianz und Henkel im Fokus

    Christian Drastil mit dem Live-Blick aus dem Studio des Börsenradio-Partners audio-cd.at in Wien wieder intraday mit Kurslisten, Statistiken und News aus Frankfurt und Wien. Es ist der Podcast, der...

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    Fotokabinetten Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

    Gabriele Basilico
    Ambiente urbano 1970-1980

    Valie Export
    Veralg Droschl

    Eron Rauch
    Self published

    FACC AG starts series production of bypass ducts for PW800 engines

    10.12.2014, 5604 Zeichen

    Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

    Subtitle: FACC is contributing innovative composite technology to the next generation of engines from Pratt & Whitney Canada/Successful certification of the first article components following years of development work
    Company Information/Milestone in PW800 engine program
    FACC AG recently received the approval of the first article parts and the go- ahead for series production of bypass ducts for the new PurePower® PW814 and PW815 engines by Pratt & Whitney Canada, thereby reaching an important program milestone. The Austrian aerospace industry supplier is contributing innovative composite technology to the new engine family, with responsibility for development and production of the bypass ducts.
    In mid-November, after more than two years of development work, FACC delivered the first article parts to Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) in Quebec, where they were assembled with the engine. Following a successful test run and product release by P&WC, FACC is now commencing series production of the components at its Aerostructures plant in Ried (Austria). FACC's involvement in the PW800 program comprises deliveries throughout the service life of the engine family and a planned order volume of around 150 million US dollars. "FACC ranks among the global market leaders in the design and production of bypass ducts - thanks above all to the longstanding close collaboration with Pratt & Whitney Canada,"explains Walter Stephan, Chairman of FACC AG. "We are constantly seeking new solutions to make aircraft engines even better, stronger, safer and lighter. So we are all the more pleased that we can play a significant role in the next generation of engines for business jets."
    Composite innovations for primary engine structures Bypass ducts are structural components that shroud the outer airflow of jet engines. They need to be extremely wear-resistant, while simultaneously reducing noise and being capable of bearing very high loads in extreme flight situations. All this with minimum possible weight.
    Bypass ducts were formerly made of metal. FACC began very early with the development of engine structures made from high-quality, lightweight composite materials. The company's years of design experience and excellent production expertise were a decisive benefit in developing the PW800 program: The FACC engineering team devised an efficient and economical production concept for manufacturing high-strength bypass ducts with low weight and optimum acoustics, which also offer excellent reliability and safety. Specialized production technologies, state-of-the-art automation and process optimization combined with a global supply chain provide the main benefits in terms of cost-effectiveness. Günter Nelböck, Director of Engine Programs at FACC, stressed: "The years we spent building production expertise place us in a very competitive position for optimally meeting demanding customer requirements with regard to strength, weight, and reliability. Thanks to innovative composite technologies, we achieve the necessary functionality with far fewer components. We need fewer rivets, screws, bolts, and subcomponents. Unnecessary interfaces are avoided and the number of individual working steps is lower. Consequently, our integral composite concepts are also a cost-effective solution."
    Alongside those for the PW800 engines, FACC also supplies bypass ducts for other engine families made by P&W Canada and P&W USA, as well as components for various Rolls Royce engine families.
    Eco-efficient engines for new Gulfstream jets The new PurePower® PW800 engine series is characterized by high fuel efficiency, lower emissions, and less engine noise. With 16,000 pounds of thrust, it is specially designed for fast, long-haul business aircraft flying at high altitudes. Gulfstream Aerospace also relies on this first-class performance: The American business jet manufacturer decided in favor of the PW814 and PW815 engines for its new, efficient Gulfstream G500 and G600 jets, as announced ceremoniously in mid-October at the market launch of the next generation of Gulfstream aircraft. Certification of the PW814 and PW815 engines that will power the Gulfstream G500 and G600 respectively is expected before the end of 2014.
    About FACC FACC AG is one of the world's leading companies in the design, development and production of advanced fiber reinforced composite components and systems for the aviation industry. Their range of products reaches from structural components for the fuselage and wings to engine components to complete passenger cabins for commercial aircraft, business jets and helicopters. FACC is a supplier to all large aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Embraer, Sukhoi, and COMAC as well as for engine manufacturers and sub-suppliers of manufacturers. In the business year of 2013/14, FACC achieved a turnover of 547.4 million Euros. The company currently employs 3,100 employees. Further information can be found under www.facc.com.
    Image Details: Images are available for editorial use by news media and offered for download under www.facc.com.
    end of announcement euro adhoc
    company: FACC AG Fischerstraße 9 A-4910 Ried im Innkreis phone: +43/59/616-0 FAX: +43/59/616-81000 mail: office@facc.com WWW: www.facc.com sector: Industrial Components ISIN: AT00000FACC2 indexes:

    stockmarkets: Regulated free trade: Wien language: English
    Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/7665/aom

    BSN Podcasts
    Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

    Wiener Börse Party #747: ATX stärker, CA Immo und Immofinanz erholen sich unterschiedlich, HS-Gerücht bei AT&S, tolle Jubilare

    Akt. Indikation:  6.46 / 6.56
    Uhrzeit:  13:23:20
    Veränderung zu letztem SK:  0.15%
    Letzter SK:  6.50 ( -0.91%)



    1. Mark Haisman (VP Wing Procurement, Airbus), Francois Mery (SVP Aerostructures Procurement, Airbus), Walter Stephan (CEO, FACC) und Robert Machtlinger (COO, FACC) bei der Vertragsunterzeichnung für A32   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

    Aktien auf dem Radar:Immofinanz, Porr, S Immo, Addiko Bank, Austriacard Holdings AG, Flughafen Wien, voestalpine, ams-Osram, Rosgix, Lenzing, Mayr-Melnhof, ATX, ATX TR, Frequentis, Verbund, Erste Group, EVN, DO&CO, Polytec Group, CA Immo, Cleen Energy, Pierer Mobility, SBO, UBM, EuroTeleSites AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, Amag, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria.

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    Captrace ist ein führender Anbieter von Informationssystemen im Bereich Investor Relations. Mit seinem System C◆Tace ermöglicht das Unternehmen dem Emittent größtmögliche Transparenz über seine Investorenstruktur zu erhalten. Durch den Service der Aktionärsidentifikation können Emittenten die Daten ihrer Investoren einfach und zuverlässig über das System C◆Trace von den Banken/Intermediären abfragen.

    >> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner

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      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 17-18: RBI(1), Uniqa(1), Addiko Bank(1)
      Star der Stunde: RHI Magnesita 1.24%, Rutsch der Stunde: Porr -0.81%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 16-17: Kontron(3), voestalpine(1), Palfinger(1), Porr(1), RBI(1)
      Star der Stunde: CA Immo 1.33%, Rutsch der Stunde: Polytec Group -2.07%
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      BSN Vola-Event Siemens Healthineers
      BSN Vola-Event Lenzing

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