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APA-OTS-Meldungen aus dem Finanzsektor in der "BSN Extended Version"
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#gabb aktuell

29.05.2015, 13122 Zeichen

General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.

C.A.T. oil AG FN 69011 m ISIN: AT0000A00Y78
Revocation of the invitation of 22 May 2015 to the 10th Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Herewith, C.A.T. oil AG revokes its convocation of 22 May 2015 to the 10th Annual Shareholders' Meeting on 29 June 2015 because the ad hoc notice of the convocation was not published in time.
Invitation to the 10th Annual Shareholders' Meeting of C.A.T. oil AG, to be held on 29 June 2015, at 11:00 a.m. at the premises of Austria trend Hotel Savoyen Vienna, Rennweg 16, 1030 Vienna (room Olympia Mancini 2). Agenda: 1. Presentation of the adopted annual financial statements including the management report and presentation of the consolidated annual financial statements including the consolidated management report, the corporate governance report, and the report of the Supervisory Board, in each case in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014; 2. Resolution on the distribution of the profit as set out in the annual financial statements in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014; 3. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Management Board in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014; 4. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Supervisory Board in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014; 5. Resolution on the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014; 6. Elections to the Supervisory Board; 7. Election of the auditor of the annual financial statements and of the consolidated annual financial statements in relation to the fiscal year ending on 31 December 2015; 8. Resolution on the change of the Articles of Association regarding the amendment of clause § 13. Documents: The following documents shall be available for inspection by the shareholders from 8 June 2015 at the latest on the website of the Company (www.catoilag.com):
Invitation to the annual shareholders' meeting and agenda (Convocation);\nProposal of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board for resolutions on agenda items 2-8;\nAnnual financial statements in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014, including the management report and corporate governance report;\nConsolidated financial statements in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014 and the consolidated management report;\nSupervisory Board report in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014;\nNew Articles of Association in a mark-up version;\nForm for proxy and revocation of proxy.\nThis information will be permanently available on the website of the Company until one month after holding of the annual shareholders' meeting.
Information on shareholder rights:
Request for additional agenda items (§ 109 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]):
Shareholders whose aggregate shareholdings equal 5% of the Company's share capital and who have been owners of the shares for at least three months prior to the date of the request, may request in writing to add items to the agenda of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting and make them public. Each additional item must include a proposal for a resolution to be passed and an explanation of the reasons.
Applicants must prove ownership of the shares. For deposited bearer shares a deposit confirmation by a depositary credit institution pursuant to § 10a AktG [Stock Corporation Act] is sufficient. The depositary credit institution shall have its registered office in a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in a full member state of the OECD. The deposit confirmation must not be older than seven days at the submission time and must state that the shareholder has held the shares continuously for at least three months at the time of the request.
For further information regarding content of the deposit confirmation we refer to the information about shareholders' right to attend.
The request for additional agenda items must be submitted in writing to the Company's address Kaerntner Ring 11-13, A-1010 Vienna, (entry: Mahlerstrasse 12/5, A-1010 Vienna) by post or by hand or via SWIFT GIBAATWGGMS (Message Type MT598, ISIN AT0000A00Y78 must be indicated in the wording) together with the aforementioned deposit confirmation at the latest until the 21st day prior to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting (thus by 8 June 2015).
Resolution proposals (§ 110 AktG [Stock Corporation Act])
Shareholders whose aggregate shareholdings equal 1% of the Company's share capital may submit written proposals for resolutions to be passed related to any item of the agenda and may request that these proposals are made available on the Company's website (www.catoilag.com), including the names of the respective shareholders, the proposal explanation and a possible statement by the Management Board or the Supervisory Board. The written proposal shall be in text form (given name and surname of the persons must be clearly identifiable). In resolution proposals related to the election of Supervisory Board members the explanation must be replaced by a declaration pursuant to § 87, subs. 2 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]. In this declaration the person proposed must state her/his professional qualification, the occupational or other applicable functions as well as all circumstances which could be indicative of partiality.
Evidence of capacity as a holder of deposited bearer shares shall be satisfactorily provided by submitting a deposit confirmation issued by a depositary credit institution pursuant to § 10a AktG [Stock Corporation Act]. The depositary credit institution shall have its registered office in a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in a full member state of the OECD. Furthermore, the deposit confirmation must not be older than seven days at the submission.
For further information regarding content of the deposit confirmation we refer to the information about shareholders' right to attend. The resolution proposals must be submitted to the Company's address Kaerntner Ring 11-13, A-1010 Vienna, (entry: Mahlerstrasse 12/5, A-1010 Vienna) together with the aforementioned deposit confirmation at the latest until the 7th workday prior to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting (that is by 18 June 2015 at the latest) either by post or by hand or by fax no. +43 (0) 1890050062 or by email submitted to the address anmeldung.catoil@hauptversammlung.at as a scanned attachment (TIF, PDF etc.) or via SWIFT GIBAATWGGMS (Message Type MT598, ISIN AT0000A00Y78 must be indicated in the wording).
Shareholders' requests during the Annual Shareholders' Meeting (§ 119 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]):
Each shareholder has the right to make requests on every agenda item without previous announcement (Exception: Proposals on persons for election onto the Supervisory Board; in this respect we refer to the information under § 110 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]). A resolution cannot be adopted concerning any subject of the deliberations that was not properly announced as an agenda item. No announcement is needed for a resolution on a proposal regarding convocation of an Annual Shareholders' Meeting as well as discussions without the adoption of resolutions. A resolution on a proposal of shareholders, placed according to § 110 AktG [Stock Corporation Act] (see above), can be only adopted if the request has been reiterated in the Meeting.
Information about matters concerning the company (§ 118 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]
On request, each shareholder is entitled to obtain information about matters concerning the company at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to the extent that this is necessary to properly assess the items of the agenda. The obligation to give information refers also to legal or business connections to related parties. This obligation includes also information about the company's situation as well as about the situation of the consolidated subsidiaries. Information can be refused in the event that
According to a reasonable economic valuation this information can be at a disadvantage to the company or to related party or\nThe providing of the information is indictable. Record date and right to attend: The right to attend the Annual Shareholders' Meeting and to exercise shareholder rights which have to be asserted at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting, depend on the ownership of shares at the end of the 10th day before the date of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting (record date). Accordingly, the record date is 19 June 2015. Attendance of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting is permitted only if a person is a shareholder on that record date and proves this fact to the company.\nFor deposited bearer shares the submission of a deposit confirmation issued by a depositary credit institution pursuant to § 10a AktG [Stock Corporation Act] is sufficient as a proof for the share ownership on the record date. The depositary credit institution shall have its registered office in a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in a full member state of the OECD.
The deposit confirmation must disclose (§ 10a (2) AktG [Stock Corporation Act]):
the issuer by reference to name (company name) and address or a code customary in transactions between banks;\nthe shareholder by reference to name (company name) and address, date of birth in case of physical persons and in case of legal persons, if applicable, registry and company registration number;\nnumber of shares held by the shareholder, ISIN: AT0000A00Y78;\ndeposit number or, if not available, an alternative identification; and\nreference date of the deposit confirmation\nThe deposit confirmation as a proof for the share ownership, entitling to attendance in the Annual Shareholders' Meeting must explicitly refer to the aforementioned record date 19 June 2015. Therefore, it cannot be issued prior to 20 June 2015! Deposit confirmations shall be accepted in German or English language.
Deposit confirmations must be submitted to the Company's address Kaerntner Ring 11-13, A-1010 Vienna, (entry: Mahlerstrasse 12/5, A-1010 Vienna) at the latest three workdays prior to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting (that is at the latest by 24 June 2015) either by post or by hand or by fax no. +43 (0) 1890050062 or by e-mail submitted to the address anmeldung.catoil@hauptversammlung.at as a scanned attachment (TIF, PDF etc.) or via SWIFT GIBAATWGGMS (Message Type MT598, ISIN AT0000A00Y78 must be indicated in the wording). Representation by proxies: Pursuant to § 113 AktG [Stock Corporation Act] each shareholder entitled to attend the Annual Shareholders' Meeting has the right to appoint a natural or legal person as proxy. The proxy attends the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on behalf of the shareholder and has the same rights as the shareholder whom he/she represents. The proxy must be granted to a specific person and must be issued in text form and sent to and retained by the company pursuant to § 114 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]. The proxy must be submitted to the company's address Kaerntner Ring 11-13, A-1010 Vienna, (entry: Mahlerstrasse 12/5, A-1010 Vienna) either by post or by hand or by fax no. +43 (0) 1890050062 or by e-mail submitted to the address anmeldung.catoil@hauptversammlung.at as a scanned attachment (TIF, PDF etc.).
The revocation of a proxy must be submitted to the same address or fax number or e-mail address as a scanned attachment (TIF, PDF etc.).
For the appointment of a proxy or its revocation, a proxy form is available on the Company's website (www.catoilag.com) under Investor Relations. In order to identify the shareholder, the deposited bearer shares, the name of the depositary credit institution and the deposit number must be disclosed. If a shareholder has granted a proxy to the credit institution holding his/her deposit account, it is sufficient for the credit institution to declare that it was granted proxy in addition to issuing the deposit confirmation.
In so far as a shareholder does not present his/her proxy to the registration desk of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting the proxy must be submitted to the company by 26 June 2015. Total number of shares and voting rights: At the time of convocation of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting the share capital of the company amounts to EUR 48,850,000 and is divided into 48,850,000 no-par-value shares. Each no-par-value share confers the right to one vote. The total of voting rights at the time of convocation of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting is 48,850,000. At the time of convocation of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting the company does not hold own shares. Vienna, in June 2015 The Management Board
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: C.A.T. oil AG Kärntner Ring 11-13 A-1010 Wien phone: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 0 FAX: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 20 mail: ir@catoilag.com WWW: http://www.catoilag.com sector: Oil & Gas - Upstream activities ISIN: AT0000A00Y78 indexes: SDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share

stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/EASY_61923/aom

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

EDAG AG, CFO Holger Merz über disruptive Automobilindustrie: "Spielt uns in die Karten!"

Petro Welt Technologies
Akt. Indikation:  2.22 / 2.40
Uhrzeit:  08:57:21
Veränderung zu letztem SK:  3.12%
Letzter SK:  2.24 ( 0.00%)



1. C.A.T. Oil „C.A.T. oil ist ein führender Anbieter von Öl- und Gasfelddienstleistungen in Russland und Kasachstan mit modernster Technologie für Fracking, Sidetracking und Drilling. Ob in Industrie- od   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Aktien auf dem Radar:CA Immo, Immofinanz, Polytec Group, Frequentis, Addiko Bank, Warimpex, EuroTeleSites AG, Mayr-Melnhof, FACC, voestalpine, Zumtobel, Agrana, SBO, Semperit, Strabag, RWT AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, Flughafen Wien, Amag, Erste Group, EVN, OMV, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger, Verbund, E.ON .

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Kostad Steuerungsbau
Kostad ist ein österreichisches Familienunternehmen, das sich auf maßgeschneiderte Elektromobilitätslösungen spezialisiert hat. Das Unternehmen bietet Produkte und Dienstleistungen rund um die Elektromobilität in den Bereichen Schaltschrankbau, Automatisierungstechnik, Kabelkonfektionierung, Elektroprojektierung und Software an. Kostad hat in mehreren Ländern der Welt Schnell-Ladestationen für Elektrofahrzeuge errichtet.

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    Die Wiener Börse Party ist ein Podcastprojekt für Audio-CD.at von Christian Drastil Comm.. Unter dem Motto „Market & Me“ berichtet Christian Drastil über das Tagesgeschehen an der Wiener Börse. Inh...

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    On the Verge

    EANS-General Meeting: C.A.T. oil AG / 10th ordinary general shareholders meeting of C.A.T. oil AG, Vienna

    29.05.2015, 13122 Zeichen

    General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.

    C.A.T. oil AG FN 69011 m ISIN: AT0000A00Y78
    Revocation of the invitation of 22 May 2015 to the 10th Annual Shareholders' Meeting
    Herewith, C.A.T. oil AG revokes its convocation of 22 May 2015 to the 10th Annual Shareholders' Meeting on 29 June 2015 because the ad hoc notice of the convocation was not published in time.
    Invitation to the 10th Annual Shareholders' Meeting of C.A.T. oil AG, to be held on 29 June 2015, at 11:00 a.m. at the premises of Austria trend Hotel Savoyen Vienna, Rennweg 16, 1030 Vienna (room Olympia Mancini 2). Agenda: 1. Presentation of the adopted annual financial statements including the management report and presentation of the consolidated annual financial statements including the consolidated management report, the corporate governance report, and the report of the Supervisory Board, in each case in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014; 2. Resolution on the distribution of the profit as set out in the annual financial statements in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014; 3. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Management Board in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014; 4. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Supervisory Board in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014; 5. Resolution on the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014; 6. Elections to the Supervisory Board; 7. Election of the auditor of the annual financial statements and of the consolidated annual financial statements in relation to the fiscal year ending on 31 December 2015; 8. Resolution on the change of the Articles of Association regarding the amendment of clause § 13. Documents: The following documents shall be available for inspection by the shareholders from 8 June 2015 at the latest on the website of the Company (www.catoilag.com):
    Invitation to the annual shareholders' meeting and agenda (Convocation);\nProposal of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board for resolutions on agenda items 2-8;\nAnnual financial statements in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014, including the management report and corporate governance report;\nConsolidated financial statements in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014 and the consolidated management report;\nSupervisory Board report in relation to the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014;\nNew Articles of Association in a mark-up version;\nForm for proxy and revocation of proxy.\nThis information will be permanently available on the website of the Company until one month after holding of the annual shareholders' meeting.
    Information on shareholder rights:
    Request for additional agenda items (§ 109 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]):
    Shareholders whose aggregate shareholdings equal 5% of the Company's share capital and who have been owners of the shares for at least three months prior to the date of the request, may request in writing to add items to the agenda of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting and make them public. Each additional item must include a proposal for a resolution to be passed and an explanation of the reasons.
    Applicants must prove ownership of the shares. For deposited bearer shares a deposit confirmation by a depositary credit institution pursuant to § 10a AktG [Stock Corporation Act] is sufficient. The depositary credit institution shall have its registered office in a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in a full member state of the OECD. The deposit confirmation must not be older than seven days at the submission time and must state that the shareholder has held the shares continuously for at least three months at the time of the request.
    For further information regarding content of the deposit confirmation we refer to the information about shareholders' right to attend.
    The request for additional agenda items must be submitted in writing to the Company's address Kaerntner Ring 11-13, A-1010 Vienna, (entry: Mahlerstrasse 12/5, A-1010 Vienna) by post or by hand or via SWIFT GIBAATWGGMS (Message Type MT598, ISIN AT0000A00Y78 must be indicated in the wording) together with the aforementioned deposit confirmation at the latest until the 21st day prior to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting (thus by 8 June 2015).
    Resolution proposals (§ 110 AktG [Stock Corporation Act])
    Shareholders whose aggregate shareholdings equal 1% of the Company's share capital may submit written proposals for resolutions to be passed related to any item of the agenda and may request that these proposals are made available on the Company's website (www.catoilag.com), including the names of the respective shareholders, the proposal explanation and a possible statement by the Management Board or the Supervisory Board. The written proposal shall be in text form (given name and surname of the persons must be clearly identifiable). In resolution proposals related to the election of Supervisory Board members the explanation must be replaced by a declaration pursuant to § 87, subs. 2 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]. In this declaration the person proposed must state her/his professional qualification, the occupational or other applicable functions as well as all circumstances which could be indicative of partiality.
    Evidence of capacity as a holder of deposited bearer shares shall be satisfactorily provided by submitting a deposit confirmation issued by a depositary credit institution pursuant to § 10a AktG [Stock Corporation Act]. The depositary credit institution shall have its registered office in a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in a full member state of the OECD. Furthermore, the deposit confirmation must not be older than seven days at the submission.
    For further information regarding content of the deposit confirmation we refer to the information about shareholders' right to attend. The resolution proposals must be submitted to the Company's address Kaerntner Ring 11-13, A-1010 Vienna, (entry: Mahlerstrasse 12/5, A-1010 Vienna) together with the aforementioned deposit confirmation at the latest until the 7th workday prior to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting (that is by 18 June 2015 at the latest) either by post or by hand or by fax no. +43 (0) 1890050062 or by email submitted to the address anmeldung.catoil@hauptversammlung.at as a scanned attachment (TIF, PDF etc.) or via SWIFT GIBAATWGGMS (Message Type MT598, ISIN AT0000A00Y78 must be indicated in the wording).
    Shareholders' requests during the Annual Shareholders' Meeting (§ 119 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]):
    Each shareholder has the right to make requests on every agenda item without previous announcement (Exception: Proposals on persons for election onto the Supervisory Board; in this respect we refer to the information under § 110 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]). A resolution cannot be adopted concerning any subject of the deliberations that was not properly announced as an agenda item. No announcement is needed for a resolution on a proposal regarding convocation of an Annual Shareholders' Meeting as well as discussions without the adoption of resolutions. A resolution on a proposal of shareholders, placed according to § 110 AktG [Stock Corporation Act] (see above), can be only adopted if the request has been reiterated in the Meeting.
    Information about matters concerning the company (§ 118 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]
    On request, each shareholder is entitled to obtain information about matters concerning the company at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to the extent that this is necessary to properly assess the items of the agenda. The obligation to give information refers also to legal or business connections to related parties. This obligation includes also information about the company's situation as well as about the situation of the consolidated subsidiaries. Information can be refused in the event that
    According to a reasonable economic valuation this information can be at a disadvantage to the company or to related party or\nThe providing of the information is indictable. Record date and right to attend: The right to attend the Annual Shareholders' Meeting and to exercise shareholder rights which have to be asserted at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting, depend on the ownership of shares at the end of the 10th day before the date of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting (record date). Accordingly, the record date is 19 June 2015. Attendance of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting is permitted only if a person is a shareholder on that record date and proves this fact to the company.\nFor deposited bearer shares the submission of a deposit confirmation issued by a depositary credit institution pursuant to § 10a AktG [Stock Corporation Act] is sufficient as a proof for the share ownership on the record date. The depositary credit institution shall have its registered office in a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in a full member state of the OECD.
    The deposit confirmation must disclose (§ 10a (2) AktG [Stock Corporation Act]):
    the issuer by reference to name (company name) and address or a code customary in transactions between banks;\nthe shareholder by reference to name (company name) and address, date of birth in case of physical persons and in case of legal persons, if applicable, registry and company registration number;\nnumber of shares held by the shareholder, ISIN: AT0000A00Y78;\ndeposit number or, if not available, an alternative identification; and\nreference date of the deposit confirmation\nThe deposit confirmation as a proof for the share ownership, entitling to attendance in the Annual Shareholders' Meeting must explicitly refer to the aforementioned record date 19 June 2015. Therefore, it cannot be issued prior to 20 June 2015! Deposit confirmations shall be accepted in German or English language.
    Deposit confirmations must be submitted to the Company's address Kaerntner Ring 11-13, A-1010 Vienna, (entry: Mahlerstrasse 12/5, A-1010 Vienna) at the latest three workdays prior to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting (that is at the latest by 24 June 2015) either by post or by hand or by fax no. +43 (0) 1890050062 or by e-mail submitted to the address anmeldung.catoil@hauptversammlung.at as a scanned attachment (TIF, PDF etc.) or via SWIFT GIBAATWGGMS (Message Type MT598, ISIN AT0000A00Y78 must be indicated in the wording). Representation by proxies: Pursuant to § 113 AktG [Stock Corporation Act] each shareholder entitled to attend the Annual Shareholders' Meeting has the right to appoint a natural or legal person as proxy. The proxy attends the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on behalf of the shareholder and has the same rights as the shareholder whom he/she represents. The proxy must be granted to a specific person and must be issued in text form and sent to and retained by the company pursuant to § 114 AktG [Stock Corporation Act]. The proxy must be submitted to the company's address Kaerntner Ring 11-13, A-1010 Vienna, (entry: Mahlerstrasse 12/5, A-1010 Vienna) either by post or by hand or by fax no. +43 (0) 1890050062 or by e-mail submitted to the address anmeldung.catoil@hauptversammlung.at as a scanned attachment (TIF, PDF etc.).
    The revocation of a proxy must be submitted to the same address or fax number or e-mail address as a scanned attachment (TIF, PDF etc.).
    For the appointment of a proxy or its revocation, a proxy form is available on the Company's website (www.catoilag.com) under Investor Relations. In order to identify the shareholder, the deposited bearer shares, the name of the depositary credit institution and the deposit number must be disclosed. If a shareholder has granted a proxy to the credit institution holding his/her deposit account, it is sufficient for the credit institution to declare that it was granted proxy in addition to issuing the deposit confirmation.
    In so far as a shareholder does not present his/her proxy to the registration desk of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting the proxy must be submitted to the company by 26 June 2015. Total number of shares and voting rights: At the time of convocation of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting the share capital of the company amounts to EUR 48,850,000 and is divided into 48,850,000 no-par-value shares. Each no-par-value share confers the right to one vote. The total of voting rights at the time of convocation of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting is 48,850,000. At the time of convocation of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting the company does not hold own shares. Vienna, in June 2015 The Management Board
    end of announcement euro adhoc
    issuer: C.A.T. oil AG Kärntner Ring 11-13 A-1010 Wien phone: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 0 FAX: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 20 mail: ir@catoilag.com WWW: http://www.catoilag.com sector: Oil & Gas - Upstream activities ISIN: AT0000A00Y78 indexes: SDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share

    stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English
    Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/EASY_61923/aom

    BSN Podcasts
    Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

    EDAG AG, CFO Holger Merz über disruptive Automobilindustrie: "Spielt uns in die Karten!"

    Petro Welt Technologies
    Akt. Indikation:  2.22 / 2.40
    Uhrzeit:  08:57:21
    Veränderung zu letztem SK:  3.12%
    Letzter SK:  2.24 ( 0.00%)



    1. C.A.T. Oil „C.A.T. oil ist ein führender Anbieter von Öl- und Gasfelddienstleistungen in Russland und Kasachstan mit modernster Technologie für Fracking, Sidetracking und Drilling. Ob in Industrie- od   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

    Aktien auf dem Radar:CA Immo, Immofinanz, Polytec Group, Frequentis, Addiko Bank, Warimpex, EuroTeleSites AG, Mayr-Melnhof, FACC, voestalpine, Zumtobel, Agrana, SBO, Semperit, Strabag, RWT AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, Flughafen Wien, Amag, Erste Group, EVN, OMV, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger, Verbund, E.ON .

    Random Partner

    Kostad Steuerungsbau
    Kostad ist ein österreichisches Familienunternehmen, das sich auf maßgeschneiderte Elektromobilitätslösungen spezialisiert hat. Das Unternehmen bietet Produkte und Dienstleistungen rund um die Elektromobilität in den Bereichen Schaltschrankbau, Automatisierungstechnik, Kabelkonfektionierung, Elektroprojektierung und Software an. Kostad hat in mehreren Ländern der Welt Schnell-Ladestationen für Elektrofahrzeuge errichtet.

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      Die Wiener Börse Party ist ein Podcastprojekt für Audio-CD.at von Christian Drastil Comm.. Unter dem Motto „Market & Me“ berichtet Christian Drastil über das Tagesgeschehen an der Wiener Börse. Inh...

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