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Strategic management decisions
* Semperit plans a base dividend of approx. EUR 1.10 per share plus a special
dividend of approx. EUR 4.90 per share
Richard Ehrenfeldner's Management Board mandate extended until 31 May 2018
The Semperit AG Holding plans to broaden the capital structure of the Group. In
light of the historically low interest rates on debt as well as the
above-average equity base of Semperit, the Executive Committee of the
Supervisory Board had asked the Management Board to evaluate measures to
optimise the Group's capital structure. Subsequently, different scenario models
were calculated and extensively discussed with the Supervisory Board in today's
As a result of this evaluation, the Supervisory Board has approved today that
the Management Board may raise low interest bearing debt. Subsequently the
Group's total capital cost should decrease by reducing the Group's equity. These
measures enable continuous dynamic growth and while leading to a further
enhancement of the Group's capital structure.
Based on these measures, the Group will have a cash inflow, which will be used
to finance future growth investments more cost-effectively. Provided that the
market and company development remains stable, excess financial means can be
distributed to the shareholders subsequently. Subject to an appropriate business
development, the Management Board therefore intends to propose - in addition to
the annual profit-related dividend, which is expected to amount to approx. EUR
1.10 per share - the payout of a one-off special dividend of approx. EUR 4.90
per share in the upcoming Annual General Meeting on 28 April 2015. The future
dividend policy will be adapted accordingly. Semperit aims for a payout ratio of
about 50% of earnings after tax in the future (instead of currently 30%)
provided that business operations perform accordingly.
After these actions the Group will continue to have an attractive balance sheet
structure with an expected equity ratio of about 40% of the balance sheet total,
which meets the requirements of a growth company and reflects the current
attractive interest rates. Any investment projects scheduled or currently being
implemented will be carried out as planned.
At today's meeting, the Supervisory Board also extended the Management Board
mandate of Richard Ehrenfeldner for three years until 31 May 2018. Hence Richard
Ehrenfeldner will continue his responsibilities as Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
in the future.
The Management Board of Semperit AG Holding will thus remain unchanged and
consist of
Thomas Fahnemann, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Johannes
Schmidt-Schultes as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Richard Ehrenfeldner as Chief
Technical Officer (CTO) and
Declan Daly as Chief Information Officer (CIO).
About Semperit
The publicly listed company Semperit AG Holding is an internationally-oriented
group that develops, produces, and sells in more than 100 countries highly
specialised rubber and plastic products for the medical and industrial sectors:
examination and surgical gloves, hydraulic and industrial hoses, conveyor belts,
escalator handrails, construction profiles, cable car rings, and products for
railway superstructures. The headquarters of this long-standing Austrian
company, which was founded in 1824, are located in Vienna, and the global R & D
centre is in Wimpassing, Lower Austria. The Semperit Group employs about 11,600
people worldwide, including 9,000 in Asia and more than 800 in Austria (Vienna
and production site in Wimpassing, Lower Austria). The Group has 22
manufacturing facilities worldwide and numerous sales offices in Europe, Asia,
and America. In 2013 the group generated sales of EUR 906 million and an EBITDA
of EUR 133 million.
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Semperit AG Holding
Modecenterstrasse 22
A-1030 Wien
phone: +43 1 79 777-210
FAX: +43 1 79 777-602
mail: investor@semperitgroup.com
WWW: www.semperitgroup.com
sector: Synthetics & Plastics
ISIN: AT0000785555
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime, ViDX, Prime Market, ATX Global Players
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/2918/aom
BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch
kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 72/365: Einladung in die Wiener Börse, es geht um das Comeback der Historischen Wertpapiere
Akt. Indikation: 13.44 / 13.64
Uhrzeit: 22:59:47
Veränderung zu letztem SK: -2.45%
Letzter SK: 13.88 ( -0.86%)
Semperit-HV. Schinken, Oliven
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