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APA-OTS-Meldungen aus dem Finanzsektor in der "BSN Extended Version"
Wichtige Originaltextaussendungen aus der Branche. Wir ergänzen vollautomatisch Bilder aus dem Fundus von photaq.com und Aktieninformationen aus dem Börse Social Network. Wer eine Korrektur zu den Beiträgen wünscht: mailto:office@boerse-social.com . Wir wiederum übernehmen keinerlei Haftung für Augenerkrankungen aufgrund von geballtem Grossbuchstabeneinsatz der Aussender. Wir meinen: Firmennamen, die länger als drei Buchstaben sind, schreibt man nicht durchgängig in Grossbuchstaben (Versalien).
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#gabb aktuell

05.08.2014, 3494 Zeichen

ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Financial Figures/Balance Sheet/3-month report 05.08.2014
Despite slightly decreasing sales revenues, voestalpine Group was able to marginally increase the operating result (EBITDA), respectively to keep the profit from operations (EBIT) largely stable. Earnings before and after tax increased significantly. The general economic trends, in place since the beginning of 2014, continued in the first quarter of the business year 2014/15: Europe recovers steadily but at slow pace, the solid economic trend in North America persists, the growth rates in Brazil stay depressed and the economy in China returns to more robust levels after a weak start of the year. Against this background, the four divisions of voestalpine Group showed a solid development: The Steel Division was able to keep the operating result (EBITDA) stable despite somewhat decreasing revenues due to deflationary raw material trends, the Special Steel Division showed a slight decline in revenues as well as earnings, the Metal Engineering Division was able to improve the margins above last year's level at significantly lower revenues because of the closure of the standard rails production in Duisburg and the Metal Forming Division succeeded in slightly increasing revenues as well as the operating result (EBITDA). The outlook for the business year 2014/15 remains unchanged: From the current point of view, it can be anticipated that the operating result (EBITDA) and profit from operations (EBIT) of the voestalpine Group will be somewhat higher than the figures of the past business year.
Key figures of the voestalpine Group:
_____________________________________________________ |(acc._IFRS;_in_EURm)___|Q1_2013/14*|Q1_2014/15|Change| |_______________________|04/01/13_-_|04/01/14_-|in_%__| |_______________________|06/30/2013_|06/30/2014|______| |Revenue________________|2,895.3____|2,826.7___|-2.4__| |EBITDA_________________|363.5______|363.7_____|+0.1__| |EBITDA_margin_in_%_____|12.6_______|12.9______|______| |EBIT___________________|221.6______|218.4_____|-1.4__| |EBIT_margin_in_%_______|7.7________|7.7_______|______| |Profit_before_tax______|175.0______|192.9_____|+10.2_| |Profit_for_the_period**|137.6______|154.4_____|+12.2_| |EPS_(in_EUR)___________|0.68_______|0,77______|+13.2_| |Gearing_ratio_in_%_____|43.8_______|44.7______|______|

Business year 2013/14 retroactively adjusted due to the application of IFRS 11 "Joint Arrangements" and due to the change in the method of disclosure for results of entities consolidated according to the equity method (formerly reported as part of financial result, from April 1, 2014 onward, reported as part of EBIT).\n*Before minority interest and hybrid capital interest\n Array
Further details on the 1st quarter results 2014/15 are available on our homepage www.voestalpine.com or feel free to contact our Investor Relations team +43/ 50304/15-9949.
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: voestalpine AG voestalpine-Straße 1 A-4020 Linz phone: +43 50304/15-9949 FAX: +43 50304/55-5581 mail: IR@voestalpine.com WWW: www.voestalpine.com sector: Metal Goods & Engineering ISIN: AT0000937503 indexes: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX

stockmarkets: official market: Wien language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/2054/aom

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Börsepeople im Podcast S13/22: Gerhard Massenbauer

Akt. Indikation:  24.32 / 24.60
Uhrzeit:  22:59:19
Veränderung zu letztem SK:  0.66%
Letzter SK:  24.30 ( -2.88%)



1. Schauspieler Cornelius Obonya ist am Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014 (20.15 Uhr, ORF III), zu Gast bei Barbara Rett in KulturWerk . Kulisse ist wieder die voestalpine Stahlwelt in Linz. http://bit.ly/U6c1oO   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Aktien auf dem Radar:Amag, Zumtobel, RHI Magnesita, Austriacard Holdings AG, Warimpex, Flughafen Wien, Rosgix, Wienerberger, Porr, Verbund, Marinomed Biotech, Uniqa, Addiko Bank, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, S Immo, Wiener Privatbank, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, CA Immo, Erste Group, EVN, Immofinanz, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, VIG, Palfinger, UnitedHealth.

Random Partner

Der Technologiekonzern Kontron AG – ehemals S&T AG – ist mit mehr als 6.000 Mitarbeitern und Niederlassungen in 32 Ländern weltweit präsent. Das im SDAX® an der Deutschen Börse gelistete Unternehmen ist einer der führenden Anbieter von IoT (Internet of Things) Technologien. In diesen Bereichen konzentriert sich Kontron auf die Entwicklung sicherer und vernetzter Lösungen durch ein kombiniertes Portfolio aus Hardware, Software und Services.

>> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner

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    voestalpine AG / voestalpine with stable development in the first quarter of the business year 2014/15

    05.08.2014, 3494 Zeichen

    ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

    Financial Figures/Balance Sheet/3-month report 05.08.2014
    Despite slightly decreasing sales revenues, voestalpine Group was able to marginally increase the operating result (EBITDA), respectively to keep the profit from operations (EBIT) largely stable. Earnings before and after tax increased significantly. The general economic trends, in place since the beginning of 2014, continued in the first quarter of the business year 2014/15: Europe recovers steadily but at slow pace, the solid economic trend in North America persists, the growth rates in Brazil stay depressed and the economy in China returns to more robust levels after a weak start of the year. Against this background, the four divisions of voestalpine Group showed a solid development: The Steel Division was able to keep the operating result (EBITDA) stable despite somewhat decreasing revenues due to deflationary raw material trends, the Special Steel Division showed a slight decline in revenues as well as earnings, the Metal Engineering Division was able to improve the margins above last year's level at significantly lower revenues because of the closure of the standard rails production in Duisburg and the Metal Forming Division succeeded in slightly increasing revenues as well as the operating result (EBITDA). The outlook for the business year 2014/15 remains unchanged: From the current point of view, it can be anticipated that the operating result (EBITDA) and profit from operations (EBIT) of the voestalpine Group will be somewhat higher than the figures of the past business year.
    Key figures of the voestalpine Group:
    _____________________________________________________ |(acc._IFRS;_in_EURm)___|Q1_2013/14*|Q1_2014/15|Change| |_______________________|04/01/13_-_|04/01/14_-|in_%__| |_______________________|06/30/2013_|06/30/2014|______| |Revenue________________|2,895.3____|2,826.7___|-2.4__| |EBITDA_________________|363.5______|363.7_____|+0.1__| |EBITDA_margin_in_%_____|12.6_______|12.9______|______| |EBIT___________________|221.6______|218.4_____|-1.4__| |EBIT_margin_in_%_______|7.7________|7.7_______|______| |Profit_before_tax______|175.0______|192.9_____|+10.2_| |Profit_for_the_period**|137.6______|154.4_____|+12.2_| |EPS_(in_EUR)___________|0.68_______|0,77______|+13.2_| |Gearing_ratio_in_%_____|43.8_______|44.7______|______|

    Business year 2013/14 retroactively adjusted due to the application of IFRS 11 "Joint Arrangements" and due to the change in the method of disclosure for results of entities consolidated according to the equity method (formerly reported as part of financial result, from April 1, 2014 onward, reported as part of EBIT).\n*Before minority interest and hybrid capital interest\n Array
    Further details on the 1st quarter results 2014/15 are available on our homepage www.voestalpine.com or feel free to contact our Investor Relations team +43/ 50304/15-9949.
    end of announcement euro adhoc
    issuer: voestalpine AG voestalpine-Straße 1 A-4020 Linz phone: +43 50304/15-9949 FAX: +43 50304/55-5581 mail: IR@voestalpine.com WWW: www.voestalpine.com sector: Metal Goods & Engineering ISIN: AT0000937503 indexes: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX

    stockmarkets: official market: Wien language: English
    Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/2054/aom

    BSN Podcasts
    Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

    Börsepeople im Podcast S13/22: Gerhard Massenbauer

    Akt. Indikation:  24.32 / 24.60
    Uhrzeit:  22:59:19
    Veränderung zu letztem SK:  0.66%
    Letzter SK:  24.30 ( -2.88%)



    1. Schauspieler Cornelius Obonya ist am Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014 (20.15 Uhr, ORF III), zu Gast bei Barbara Rett in KulturWerk . Kulisse ist wieder die voestalpine Stahlwelt in Linz. http://bit.ly/U6c1oO   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

    Aktien auf dem Radar:Amag, Zumtobel, RHI Magnesita, Austriacard Holdings AG, Warimpex, Flughafen Wien, Rosgix, Wienerberger, Porr, Verbund, Marinomed Biotech, Uniqa, Addiko Bank, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, S Immo, Wiener Privatbank, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, CA Immo, Erste Group, EVN, Immofinanz, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, VIG, Palfinger, UnitedHealth.

    Random Partner

    Der Technologiekonzern Kontron AG – ehemals S&T AG – ist mit mehr als 6.000 Mitarbeitern und Niederlassungen in 32 Ländern weltweit präsent. Das im SDAX® an der Deutschen Börse gelistete Unternehmen ist einer der führenden Anbieter von IoT (Internet of Things) Technologien. In diesen Bereichen konzentriert sich Kontron auf die Entwicklung sicherer und vernetzter Lösungen durch ein kombiniertes Portfolio aus Hardware, Software und Services.

    >> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner

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    Die Useletter "Morning Xpresso" und "Evening Xtrakt" heben sich deutlich von den gängigen Newslettern ab. Beispiele ansehen bzw. kostenfrei anmelden. Wichtige Börse-Infos garantiert.

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