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08.12.2024, 1436 Zeichen

Valneva: Valneva SE, a specialty vaccine company, today reported positive antibody persistence data three years after vaccination with a single dose of its chikungunya vaccine IXCHIQ®. The results are in line with Valneva’s expectations for this vaccine, confirming a strong and long-lasting antibody persistence across all age groups investigated. Among the 278 healthy adults still enrolled in the trial, 96% maintained neutralizing antibody titers well above the seroresponse threshold three years after the single-dose vaccination. Persistence of antibodies in older adults (age 65+) in terms of geometric mean titers (GMTs) and seroresponse rates (SRRs) was comparable to younger adults (18-64 years of age). Hence, the primary endpoint was met.
Valneva: weekly performance: 4.61%

UBM: UBM Development is selling a non-core asset in Poland for €17.85m to a polish entity – Rewa prosta spółka akcyjna (simple joint stock company) with its registered office in Cracow. The project Galeria Szperk is a shopping center with 57 well-known chains, national and local brands, including attractive retail and service outlets in Kosakowo (Gdynia), Poland. Thomas G. Winkler, CEO of UBM Development AG, explains: “Liquidity over profitability is UBM’s mantra in 2024 and our transaction in Gdynia lives up to this approach.”
UBM: weekly performance: -6.47%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (03/12/2024)

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Valneva ist ein Impfstoffunternehmen, das sich auf die Entwicklung und Vermarktung von prophylaktischen Impfstoffen gegen Infektionskrankheiten mit hohem ungedeckten medizinischen Bedarf spezialisiert hat.

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