26.01.2025, 1214 Zeichen
KTM: Stefan Pierer, CEO of KTM AG for many years, is handing over the management of the company to his Co-CEO Gottfried Neumeister. With this step, one of the world's leading motorcycle manufacturers is strategically positioning itself for the future. Pierer will continue to accompany the reorganization process as a member of the Executive Board with full commitment and will remain part of the KTM family. Since taking over KTM in 1992, Stefan Pierer has built the company from a regional motorcycle manufacturer into a global brand with legendary status in the motorcycle industry. Today, for millions of fans, KTM stands for innovation, performance and a spirit of adventure like no other brand - values that will remain in focus under the new management. "For me, KTM was always more than just a company - it was and is a passion, a mission and a family. The decision to hand over the helm was not an easy one. I am deeply convinced that Gottfried Neumeister, with his strategic foresight and commitment, is the right choice to lead KTM into the future," says Stefan Pierer.
Pierer Mobility: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (24/01/2025)
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