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21st Austria weekly - Fabasoft, Zumtobel, Andritz, Vienna Insurance Group, Valneva (08/03/2022)

13.03.2022, 6506 Zeichen
Börsen-Kurier Nr. 24, 17.6.2021: http://www.boersen-kurier.at- Aktienperlen des Ostens: Anleger entdecken die Börsen unserer östlichen Nachbarn wieder.- Die großen Corona-Sieger: Unterbergers Wochenschau-- Immofinanz versus S Immo Das sagen die Anlegervertreter vom IVA. - Vorsorge Spezial Für Berater und Kunden- Einbruch am deutschen Wohnungsmarkt. - US-Tech-Aktien. Wovon die Kursentwicklung nach der Pandemie abhängig ist- Fastfood. Bei Aktien aus dem weltweiten Schnellimbiss-Segment muss man selektieren- Chartreading. Aus Deutschland haben wir uns diesmal mit den Aktien von Aixtron, K+S und SAP beschäftigt- Comeback. Die voestalpine ist wieder in der Gewinnzone - auch dank der starken Autoindustrie.- Live aus den HVs. Wir waren für Sie bei den Präsenzveranstaltungen von Athos Immobilien und Wolftank Adisa sowie virtuell bei jenen von Frauenthal, RHI Magnesita und S&T dabei- Interview. Im Gespräch über die aktuell sehr guten Zahlen mit Vorstand Leopold Bauernfeind von Fabasoft.Vorsorge. Neun Risiken, die uns bevorstehen könnten- Fintechs. Die große Herausforderung für die klassische Bankberatung.Konjunktur. Österreich Wirtschaft wieder stark im Aufwind. Seite 25  >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Fabasoft: The long-time Managing Board member and co-founder of Fabasoft AG Leopold Bauernfeind today informed his Managing Board colleague Dipl. Ing. Helmut Fallmann and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Dr. Friedrich Roithmayr that he will not renew his Managing Board contract, which expires in May 2024, for personal reasons. "After more than 30 years of active leadership for Fabasoft AG, I have decided not to renew my current Managing Board contract when it ends. I am proud of what we have achieved at Fabasoft AG," comments Bauernfeind on his decision. Helmut Fallmann and Leopold Bauernfeind founded Fabasoft together in 1988 and have managed it ever since.
Fabasoft: weekly performance: -1.44%

Zumtobel: The lightning company Zumtobel Group continued its good first half-year performance during the third quarter. Group revenues rose by 11.5% to Euro 846.6 min in the first three quarters of the 2021/22 financial year (Q1-Q3 2020/21: Euro 759.2 mn), after foreign exchange adjustments the increase equalled 10.3%. The improvement in EBIT after three quarters was even more visible: At Euro 52.2 mn, it substantially exceeded the previous year’s figure of Euro 27.3 mn. Net profit for the first nine months of 2021/22 more than doubled year-on-year to Euro 32.7 mn (Q1-Q3 2020/21: Euro 14.9 mn). CEO Alfred Felder: "These results underscore the solid position our company has now reached. We weathered the pandemic comparatively well and also came to grips with the difficult raw materials situation. However, there are still no signs that would justify an all-clear signal. Rising raw material prices and, above all, the semiconductor shortage will potentially have a stronger impact in the fourth quarter." The management of the Zumtobel Group expects the raw materials shortage will influence the development of revenues in the fourth quarter. The uncertain situation in the Ukraine conflict also adds further uncertainty. Although the direct risk to Group revenues from sales in Russia and Ukraine is not very high – in total around Euro 8 mn – the exact extent is uncertain with regard to the development of the global economy in the coming months. In view of the sound development of business during the past three quarters, the company confirms its outlook for the 2021/22 financial year. The Zumtobel Group still sees an increase of 4% to 7% in revenues and an EBIT margin of 4% to 5%, whereby – after the first three quarters – management expects results for both indicators will reach the upper end of the given range. These expectations could, however, be exceeded depending on the availability of the required semiconductors.
Zumtobel: weekly performance: 0.67%

Andritz: International technology group Andritz saw very favorable business development in the 2021 business year, with record figures in order intake, net income, and profitability. The Executive Board will propose a dividend of 1.65 euros per share to the Annual General Meeting, which is equal to a payout ratio of around 50%. Wolfgang Leitner, CEO of Andritz, on the past business year: "We are very satisfied with business development in 2021. The record order intake, with increases in all four business areas, shows that we are in a strong competitive position in all of the industries we serve. And we also succeeded operationally in coping well with the challenges of the Covid pandemic." The order intake of Euro 7,879.7 mn reached a record level and was thus significantly higher than the figure for the previous year (+29.0% versus 2020: 6,108.0 MEUR). All four business areas were able to increase their order intake significantly compared to the previous year. The net income (including non-controlling interests) increased significantly to Euro 321.7 mn (2020: 203.7 mn). From today's perspective, the company expects an increase in revenue as well as in EBITA and net income for the full year of 2022.
Andritz: weekly performance: 12.99%

Vienna Insurance Group: Vienna Insurance Group's total premium volume of Euro 11 bn exceeded the value in the previous year by 5.5% with more than Euro 574 mn. Profit (before taxes) increased to Euro 511 mn (+47.8%). The VIG Group was able to achieve significant growth in all lines of business. The only exception is single premium life insurance, which is falling slightly according to our strategy. In 2021, good premium growth was achieved especially in the other property and casualty insurance line of business (+8.0%) as well as in the motor lines of business (motor third party liability +7.0%, motor own damage +8.7%). Insurance benefits rose marginally by 1.6% to Euro 7.14 bn. “The VIG Group once again showed strong operational resilience in the second year of the worldwide pandemic with preliminary key figures for 2021 that are significantly above expectations. The results are proof of the successful, diversified position of the Group, of the excellent operating results of all of our insurance companies and of our early focus on the major challenges in the industry such as the digital transformation. For our shareholders, we will make a proposal to the Annual General Meeting that a significant dividend increase to Euro 1.25 per share be made for the financial year 2021", explains CEO Elisabeth Stadler. She adds: "The current war situation in Ukraine is not only associated first and foremost with human suffering but also economic uncertainty and possible volatility on the capital markets. This has currently made it difficult to estimate business development for 2022. The VIG Group, however, sees itself as able to continue to manage its operational insurance business well because of its broad diversity and its conservative investment and reinsurance policies. We have repeatedly proven this in recent years in challenging situations. This is why we are confident that we will also be able to continue our positive performance in 2022".
VIG: weekly performance: 4.66%

Valneva: Valneva SE, an Austrian/French specialty vaccine company, today announced the successful completion of the Phase 3 pivotal trial of its single-shot chikungunya vaccine candidate, VLA1553. The positive final analysis included six-month follow-up data and confirmed the topline results reported in August 2021. Valneva now expects to commence the pre-submission process with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the second quarter of 2022.
Valneva: weekly performance: 12.98%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (08/03/2022)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Karrieren & Kurse: Silvia Resnik, Simple Life Expertin (und das Wifi Wien hat einen Kurs dazu)



1. Börsen-Kurier Nr. 24, 17.6.2021: http://www.boersen-kurier.at - Aktienperlen des Ostens: Anleger entdecken die Börsen unserer östlichen Nachbarn wieder. - Die großen Corona-Sieger: Unterbergers Wochenschau- - Immofinanz versus S Immo Das sagen die Anlegervertreter vom IVA. - Vorsorge Spezial Für Berater und Kunden - Einbruch am deutschen Wohnungsmarkt. - US-Tech-Aktien. Wovon die Kursentwicklung nach der Pandemie abhängig ist - Fastfood. Bei Aktien aus dem weltweiten Schnellimbiss-Segment muss man selektieren - Chartreading. Aus Deutschland haben wir uns diesmal mit den Aktien von Aixtron, K+S und SAP beschäftigt - Comeback. Die voestalpine ist wieder in der Gewinnzone - auch dank der starken Autoindustrie. - Live aus den HVs. Wir waren für Sie bei den Präsenzveranstaltungen von Athos Immobilien und Wolftank Adisa sowie virtuell bei jenen von Frauenthal, RHI Magnesita und S&T dabei - Interview. Im Gespräch über die aktuell sehr guten Zahlen mit Vorstand Leopold Bauernfeind von Fabasoft. Vorsorge. Neun Risiken, die uns bevorstehen könnten - Fintechs. Die große Herausforderung für die klassische Bankberatung. Konjunktur. Österreich Wirtschaft wieder stark im Aufwind. Seite 25   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Aktien auf dem Radar:Mayr-Melnhof, Immofinanz, Erste Group, Addiko Bank, Flughafen Wien, Semperit, voestalpine, ams-Osram, Rosgix, Lenzing, Porr, UBM, Athos Immobilien, EVN, CA Immo, Cleen Energy, FACC, Pierer Mobility, Wolftank-Adisa, Oberbank AG Stamm, BKS Bank Stamm, Amag, Polytec Group, Agrana, OMV, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger.

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Die Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) ist mit rund 50 Konzerngesellschaften und mehr als 25.000 Mitarbeitern in 30 Ländern aktiv. Bereits seit 1994 notiert die VIG an der Wiener Börse und zählt heute zu den Top-Unternehmen im Segment “prime market“ und weist eine attraktive Dividendenpolitik auf.

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