26.01.2025, 1875 Zeichen
A very good week for ATX TR, which gains 1,71 and sets new records, also Bawag, Erste Group and Do&Co are at All-time-Highs. Trading Volume remains clearly lower than 2024. News came from Marinomed, Valneva, RBI, wienerberger, Porr, Pierer Mobility, Kapsch TrafficCom and Kontron.
BSNgine weekly Spitout: The ATX TR up 1,71% to 8.961,56 points this week. Year-to-date the ATX TR is now at 4,97%. Up to now there were 10 days with a positive and 7 with a negative gain. From the year-high we are 0% away, from the low 5,67%. Statistically the best weekday so far 2025 is Monday with 0,53%, the weakest is Tuesday with -0,17%.
These are the best-performers this week: Pierer Mobility 10,85% in front of Porr 10,05% and AT&S 7,27%. And the following stocks performed worst: Polytec Group -4,39% in front of Zumtobel -2,16% and Addiko Bank -1,84%.
Further highlights this week: Uniqa for 6 days in a row up (4,14% gain from 7,97 to 8,3), also Pierer Mobility 3 days up (18,12% gain from 16 to 18,9), FACC 3 days up (5,76% gain from 6,08 to 6,43), AT&S 3 days up (7,17% gain from 11,57 to 12,4), DO&CO 3 days up (7,75% gain from 175,4 to 189), Lenzing 3 days up (4,86% gain from 24,7 to 25,9), Zumtobel 3 days down (0,99% loss from 5,04 to 4,99).
Best-performers year-to-date as of now: Kapsch TrafficCom 22,26% (last year: -33,26 percent) followed by Semperit 19,09% (last year: -15,96 percent) and SBO 18,12% (last year: -33,14 percent). And the worst-performing stocks year-to-date: Lenzing -12,2% (Vorjahr: -18,57 percent), followed by Mayr-Melnhof -5,78% (Vorjahr: -38,7 percent) and Addiko Bank -5,33% (Vorjahr: 42,32 percent).
High above the MA200: Porr 36,26%, Bawag 29,9% and Erste Group 27,24%.
Down under the MA200: AT&S -31,14%, Pierer Mobility -26,21% and Polytec Group -25,82%.
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (25/01/2025)
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Aktien auf dem Radar:RHI Magnesita, Rosenbauer, Strabag, Amag, Lenzing, Semperit, Österreichische Post, DO&CO, VIG, Rosgix, Frequentis, Wienerberger, AT&S, CA Immo, Erste Group, FACC, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, RBI, Palfinger, Warimpex, UBM, SW Umwelttechnik, Flughafen Wien, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, EVN, OMV, Telekom Austria, Uniqa.
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