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21st Austria weekly - AT&S, Vienna Airport (02/08/2022)

07.08.2022, 1303 Zeichen

AT&S: AT&S, manufacturer of high-end printed circuit boards and IC substrates, continued its growth course unabated in the first quarter of the financial year 2022/23. Consolidated revenue improved by 58% to Euro 503 mn in the first quarter of the financial year 2022/23. EBIT rose to Euro 73 mn, profit for the period soared from Euro -5 mn to Euro 96 mn. CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer says: “We are on track to meet our short- and medium-term targets, both in strategic and in operational terms. We are aiming for revenue of roughly € 2.2 billion in the financial year 2022/23, with an adjusted EBITDA margin of 27 to 30%. If the build-up of additional production capacity in Chongqing, Kulim and Leoben continues as planned, we will generate revenue of 3.5 billion euros already in the financial year 2025/26, with an EBITDA margin of 27 to 32%,” Gerstenmayer comments on the further development.

Vienna AirportBased on the improved traffic development, the Flughafen Wien Group  (Vienna Airport) now expects for 2022 revenue of around Euro 670 mn (previously Euro 640 mn), a positive EBITDA of at least around Euro 290 mn (previously Euro 260 mn) and a positive net result of at least Euro 100 mn (previously Euro 80 mn).

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (02/08/2022)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Karrieren & Kurse: Silvia Resnik, Simple Life Expertin (und das Wifi Wien hat einen Kurs dazu)



1. Sommer Sonne Fun Stephanie Venier Von: https://www.instagram.com/p/CM9Rl0KMX6p/ (Stephanie Venier, Ski Alpin, http://www.sportgeschichte.at)   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Aktien auf dem Radar:Mayr-Melnhof, Immofinanz, Erste Group, Addiko Bank, Flughafen Wien, Semperit, voestalpine, ams-Osram, Rosgix, Lenzing, Porr, UBM, Athos Immobilien, EVN, CA Immo, Cleen Energy, FACC, Pierer Mobility, Wolftank-Adisa, Oberbank AG Stamm, BKS Bank Stamm, Amag, Polytec Group, Agrana, OMV, Österreichische Post, S Immo, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Wienerberger.

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iMaps Capital
iMaps Capital ist ein Wertpapier- und Investmentunternehmen mit Schwerpunkt auf aktiv verwaltete Exchange Traded Instruments (ETI). iMaps, mit Sitz auf Malta und Cayman Islands, positioniert sich als Private Label Anbieter und fungiert als Service Provider für Asset Manager und Privatbanken, welche  ETIs zur raschen und kosteneffizienten Emission eines börsegehandelten Investment Produktes nutzen wollen.

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